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Locality of Internet Traffic: An analysis based upon traffic in an IP access network (Computer Project)

The rapid growth of Internet Traffic has emerged as a major issue due to the rapid development of various network applications and Internet services. One of the challenges facing Internet Service Providers (ISPs) is to optimize the performance of their networks in the face of continuously increasing amounts of Continue reading

Subwoofer Frequency Response Optimization by Means of Active Control (Electrical/Electronics Project)


Most subwoofer systems have difficulties producing frequencies in the low end of the hearing spectrum due to the added power requirements and instabilities. Active controls can transform the audio signal without changing physical characteristics and Continue reading

Monophonic Pitch Recognition (Electrical/Electronics Project)

The purpose of this project is to create a system that automatically converts monophonic music into its MIDI equivalent. Automatic pitch recognition allows for numerous commercial applications, including automatic transcription and digital storage Continue reading

Viscosity Dependence of Faraday Wave Formation Thresholds (Electrical/Electronics Project)


This experiment uses an electromagnetic shaker to produce standing wave patterns on the surface of a vertically oscillating sample of silicon liquid. These surface waves, known as Faraday waves, form shapes such as squares, lines, and hexagons. Continue reading

Flight Testing Small UAVs for Aerodynamic Parameter Estimation (Electrical/Electronics Project)


A flight data acquisition system was developed to aid unmanned vehicle designers in verifying the vehicle’s design performance. The system is reconfigurable and allows the designer to choose the correct combination of complexity, risk, and cost for a Continue reading