Background: In today’s highly competitive business environment, knowledge is viewed as a key strategic resource. The privatization process of telecom operators in different countries created a demand in Continue reading
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Development of a Digital Controller for Motor Control (Electrical/Electronics Project)
A digital motor controller for student lab use is designed, built, and tested. The controller uses an encoder for position measurement, and an H-bridge to drive the electromechanical plant. A user interface is created to enhance usability of the device. Continue reading
The Social Life of the Student – A design Project (Civil Project)
This report describes from start to finish how a new design and extension of the Gengras student union center at the University of Hartford was done. The report will be using a project that was made by me and explains how the whole project was planned by Continue reading
Offshore outsourcing to China: The suppliers’ perspective on competitive priorities and the role of buyer-supplier interaction mechanisms (Management Project)
In the global business environment, outsourcing and offshore outsourcing are strategies for firms to handle the increasing competition in their specific market segments by utilizing the capabilities of other firms in order to gain Continue reading
Energy Optimization Mechanism for Mobile Terminals using Vertical Handoff between WLAN and CDMA2000 Networks (Electronics Project)
This paper presents energy optimization mechanism for mobile terminals (MTs) using vertical handoff between Wireless LAN (WLAN) and CDMA2000 networks. Several techniques for optimizing the power consumption of MTs have been Continue reading
Modelling Sediment Connectivity in Swedish Catchments and Application for Flood Prediction of Roads (Civil Project)
Climate changes are predicted to increase precipitation intensities and occurrence of extreme rainfall events in the near future. Scandinavia has been identified as one of Continue reading
Parameter Estimation of Biological Pathways (Electrical Project)
To determine parameter values for models of reactions in the human body, like the glycolysis, good methods of parameter estimation are needed. Those models are often non-linear and estimation of the parameters can be very time consuming if it is Continue reading
Gearbox Housing Topology Optimization With Respect To Gear Misalignment (Mechanical Project)
Structural topology optimization methods have existing and been improving theoretically since 1980s; however, in industry, with respect to the certain conditions, proper modification is always desired. This study develops a specific method to utilize Continue reading
An Explication of Airfoil Section Bending-Torsion Flutter (Civil Project)
This study examines the dynamic instability known as flutter using a two-degree-of-freedom airfoil section model in both quasi-steady and unsteady flow. It explains the fundamental forces and moments involved in the Continue reading
Extended Split-Issue Mechanism in VLIW DSPs to Support SMT and Hardware-ISA Decoupling (Electronics Project)
The use of VLIW architecture has become widespread in the DSP arena due to the combined benefits of simple Continue reading
Investigation of JP-8 Autoignition Under Vitiated Combustion Conditions (Mechanical Project)
Limited data on jet fuel ignition and oxidation at low-O2, vitiated conditions has hindered the validation of kinetic models for combustion under such conditions.
In this study, ignition delay time experiments of JP-8 have been performed with Continue reading
Finite Element Studies of Reinforced and Unreinforced Two-layer Soil Systems (Civil Project)
The purpose of this study is to obtain an insight into the mechanisms by which a geosynthetic membrane influences the performance of Continue reading