In digital signal processing field, for recovering the signal without distortion, Shannon sampling theory must be fulfilled in the traditional signal sampling. However, in some practical applications, it is Continue reading
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Acquiring Digital Evidence from Botnet Attacks: Procedures and Methods (Computer Project)
The botnet, a collection of compromised computers, is one of the latest technologies in the evolution of cybercrime. Cybercriminals, motivated by financial gain, use those infected computers as an equipment of cybercrime. For example, botnets are used in Continue reading
Experiment of All Solid-State Electrochemical Sensor for Surface Chemistry Analysis for Adhesive Bonding (Mechanical Project)
This thesis presents: 1) Literature review on adhesive bonding technologies in aviation industry including surface pretreatments (pre-preparation), surface quality assurance, and surface chemistry analysis methods; and 2) Development and study of a novel solid-state electrochemical sensor for Continue reading
The Demographic Decline – The Case of Sweden: The Shrinking Process in Remote Rural Areas (Civil Project)
In Sweden, growing processes and shrinking processes take place simultaneously since decades. The following thesis deals especially with the decline process in the Continue reading
Underwater Ultrasonic Communication (ECE/EEE Project)
Ever wanted to command a submarine? This project explores the use of high frequency sound waves to communicate with underwater Continue reading
Effect of Temperature on Mechanical Response of Austenitic Materials (Mechanical Project)
Global increase in energy consumption and global warming require more energy production but less CO2 emission. Increase in efficiency of energy production is an Continue reading
Fast Track Networks in the European Union (Civil Project)
This thesis sets out to analyze “Fast Track Networks”, a special kind of city and regional networks and instrument of the European Commission. As there has been no Continue reading
Detection of Driver Unawareness Based on Long and Short-term Analysis of Driver Lane Keeping (Electronics Project)
Many traffic accidents are caused by driver unawareness. This includes fatigue, drowsiness and distraction. In this study two systems are described that could be used to decrease the number of accidents. In the first part of this study a system using long-term information to warn drivers suffering from Continue reading
Recent Innovations in Finance: Microfinancing and Floating Rate Convertibles (Management Project)
The first essay provides theory concerning the risk-taking incentives of microfinance borrowers in varying cases: individual liability, group liability without social sanctions, and Continue reading
Particle Filtering for Track Before Detect Applications (Electrical Project)
Integrated tracking and detection, based on unthresholded measurements, also referred to as track before detect (TBD) is a hard nonlinear and non-Gaussian dynamical estimation and detection problem. However, it is a technique that enables the user to track and detect targets that would be Continue reading
PlusTak (Civil Project)
Today´s roofing of dwelling houses is a very time consuming procedure, which includes a lot of different steps on the construction site. Not only does it cost a lot of money, but often Continue reading
Best Practices in Web 2.0 Climate: Competitive Advantage Through Social Networking Tools (Management Project)
The usage of social media such as YouTube, Twitter and Facebook has expanded drastically. Today almost every organization has a Facebook page and a Twitter account that complements their webpage and their physical stores. However, why and how are Continue reading