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An Overview of Binary Arithmetic Architectures & Their Implementation in DSP Systems (Electrical/Electronics Project)


Many branches of the electrical engineering industry involve applications that use digital signal processing. Almost any type of signal that comes in analog form, such as sound, video, and radio or microwaves, must use digital signal processing for Continue reading

Workplace Posture Assessment and Biofeedback With Kinect (Electrical/Electronics Project)


With the prevalence of computing, many workers today are confined to desk within an office. By sitting in these positions for long periods of time, workers are prone to develop one of many musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), such as carpal tunnel syndrome. Continue reading

Colorful Textile Antennas Integrated into Embroidered Logos (Electrical/Electronics Project)


We present a new methodology to create colorful textile antennas that can be embroidered within logos or other a esthetic shapes. Conductive threads (e-threads) have already been used in former embroidery unicolor approaches as attributed to Continue reading

Fixed-Wing UAV Attitude Estimation Using Single Antenna GPS Signal Strength Measurements (Electrical/Electronics Project)


This article considers a novel approach to using global positioning system (GPS) signal strength readings and estimated velocity vector for estimating the attitude of a small fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). This approach has the benefit being able to Continue reading