This study has investigated what different tools for static code analysis, with an emphasis on security, there exist and which of these that possibly could be used in a project at Continue reading
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Tag: Programming
Myrrrrr’s Dice Game Android Application (Computer Project)
Smartphones are one the newest and fastest growing hardware platforms in recent years. The number of users playing and downloading games on the Android and iPhone application markets are growing rapidly. A majority of Continue reading
Result Alert System through SMS and E-mail (Computer Project)
With the advent of mobile network communication system, users have been offered lots of services such as ability to send multimedia messages like SMS, Video, Data files, Images etc. This paper describes the design and implementation Continue reading
Modeling Intel® Cilk™ Plus Programs with Unified Modeling Languages (Computer Project)
Recently multi-core processors have become very popular in computer systems. It allows multiple threads to be executed simultaneously. The advantage of multi-core comes by parallelizing codes to Continue reading
Road Traffic Noise and Calculation – A study of region Skåne, Sweden (Civil/Computer Project)
Since the first car appeared, the pollution on the roads became an issue, which is still mainly unsolved. Too many people complain about traffic noise. Various methods have been developed that aimed at Continue reading
Real Time Positioning; Construction and implementation of a GPS-Communicator (Electronics Project)
The first half of the Masters thesis is the result of a survey made on the behalf of the Swedish company KORDAB International AB. The survey includes an overview of Continue reading
Conversion of a Visual Basic 6 Application to Visual Basic .NET (Computer Project)
This study describes the process of converting an application from Visual Basic to a .NET programming language. This work was carried out on behalf of Continue reading
A Comparative Study on Traditional Software Development Methods and Agile Software Development Methods (Computer Project)
Everyone is talking about the software development methods but these methods are categorised into the different parts and the most important are Continue reading
Generating a Normalized Database Using Class Normalization (Computer Project)
Relational databases are the most popular databases used by enterprise applications to store persistent data to this day. It gives a lot of flexibility and efficiency. A process called database normalization helps make sure that the database is free from Continue reading
Anubis: An Attestation Protocol for Distributed Context-Aware Applications (Computer Project)
Sharing sensitive context information among multiple distributed components in mobile environments introduces major security concerns. The distributed sensing, processing and actuating components of these applications Continue reading
Facebook Blocket With Unsupervised Learning Filter (Electronics/Computer Project)
The Internet has become a valuable channel for both business-to-consumer and business-to-business e-commerce. It has changed the way for many companies to manage the business. Every day, more and more companies Continue reading
Evaluating GQM+ Strategies Framework for Planning Measurement System (Computer Project)
Most organizations are aware of the significance of software measurement programs to help organizations assess and improve the ways they develop software. Measurement plays a vital role in Continue reading