Vehicle accidents are most common if the driving is inadequate. These happen on most factors if the driver is drowsy or if he is alcoholic. Driver drowsiness is recognized as an important factor in the vehicle accidents.
It was demonstrated that driving performance deteriorates with increased drowsiness with resulting crashes constituting more than 20% of all vehicle accidents. But the life lost once cannot be re-winded. Advanced technology offers some hope avoid these up to some extent.
This project involves measure and controls the eye blink using IR sensor. The IR transmitter is used to transmit the infrared rays in our eye. The IR receiver is used to receive the reflected infrared rays of eye. If the eye is closed means the output of IR receiver is high otherwise the IR receiver output is low. This to know the eye is closing or opening position. This output is give to logic circuit to indicate the alarm.

Vehicle Accident Prevention using Eye Blink Sensor
This project helps in controlling accidents due to unconsciousness through Eye blink. Here one eye blink sensor is fixed in vehicle where if driver looses consciousness, then it is indicate through alarm.
A car simulator study was designed to collect physiological data for validation of this technology. Methodology for analysis of physiological data, independent assessment of driver drowsiness and development of drowsiness detection algorithm by means of sequential fitting and selection of regression models is presented.
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