The random nature of ion implantation and diffusion processes as well as inevitable tolerances in fabrication result in random fluctuations of doping concentrations and oxide thickness in semiconductor devices. These fluctuations are Continue reading
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Tag: Semiconductor
Ultra-fast Optical Signal Processing For Digital Communications Using All-Optical Nonlinear Interactions In Semiconductor Optical Waveguides (Electronics Project)
In optical communications, clock recovery, optical time demultiplexing, and 3R regeneration are known as optical signal processing. Ultra-fast optical signal processing techniques are mandatory in Continue reading
Analysis of Breakdown Voltages and Depletion Region Width of 4H-SiC Vertical Double Implanted MOSFET (ECE/EEE Project)
The semiconductor based electronic devices that can function at ambient temperatures higher than 1500C without external cooling system could greatly benefit a variety of application. When Silicon Power device work at a temperature above 2000C then it is problematic because of the self heating is increased, also the internal junction temperature and leakage increased. To work in high temperature with ease it is required Continue reading
The Memec Hexapod Robot: a demonstration platform (Robotics Project)
This project shows how to replace a microcontroller unit (MCU) on a six legged robot,involving adapting hardware and developing software. The robot is based on the mechanics from Lynx motion’s Phoenix Hexapod Robot, which is a Continue reading
On-Chip Thermoelectric Cooling of Semiconductor Hot Spot (Mechanical Project)
The Moore’s Law progression in semiconductor technology, including shrinking feature size, increasing transistor density, and faster circuit speeds, is leading to increasing total power dissipations and heat fluxes on silicon chip. Moreover, in recent years, increasing Continue reading
Experimental Study of Cu2ZnSnS4 thin films for Solar Cells (Electronics Project)
Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) is a semiconductor with a direct band gap of about 1,5 eV and anabsorption coefficient of 10^4 cm^-1, and is for this reason a potential thin film solarcell material. Demonstrated efficiencies of up to Continue reading
The Impact of Quantum Size Effects on Thermoelectric Performance in Semiconductor Nano Structures
An increasing need for effective thermal sensors, together with dwindling energy resources, have created renewed interests in thermoelectric (TE), or solid-state, energy conversion Continue reading
Detection of Breathing and Infant Sleep Apnea (Computer/Electronics Project)
Sleep apnea is a condition where people pause while breathing in their sleep; this can be of great concern for infants and premature Continue reading
Hotspot Remediation using Germanium Self Cooling Technology (Mechanical Project)
Localized thermoelectric “self cooling” in semiconductor materials is among the most promising approaches for the remediation of on-chip hot spots resulting from the shrinking feature sizes and faster Continue reading
Article Dynamical Model of Harmonic Generation in Centrosymmetric Semiconductors at Visible and UV Wavelengths (Electrical Project)
We study second and third harmonic generation in centrosymmetric semiconductors at visible and UV wavelengths in bulk and cavity environments. Second harmonic generation is due to a combination of Continue reading
Surface Physics Modelling and Evaluation of 6H-Silicon Carbide Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors with Experimental Corroboration (Electronics Project)
The relatively recent commercial availability of silicon carbide (SiC) wafers has significantly increased the possibility of electronics based on Continue reading