This study describes the implementation of a source to source compiler that translates Fork language to REPLICA baseline language. The Fork language is a high-level programming language designed for the PRAM (Parallel Random Access Machine) model. The baseline language is a Continue reading
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Tag: Parallelism
Frequency Oriented Scheduling on Parallel Processors (Computer Project)
This study is focused on how to maximize the frequency of the local schedule in order to help the global schedule merge the stream computations better.
Mainly we have following target to achieve: Continue reading
Design and Program Multi-Processor Platform for High-Performance Embedded Processing (Electronics Project)
Modern embedded markets call for high density computing ability, making it is difficult to use just one microprocessor to meet function requirements of high performance embedded systems. Multiple processors, including general-purpose Continue reading
Multi-Core Pattern (Computer Project)
A lot of research has been done in area of multicore systems. And yet it is not enough. Legacy code is not ready yet to be put on to multicore hardware. It takes huge amount of time to develop appropriate methods and practices for proper parallelization of Continue reading
A Skeleton library for Cell Broadband Engine (Computer Project)
The Cell Broadband Engine processor is a powerful processor capable of over 220 GFLOPS. It is highly specialized and can be controlled in detail by the programmer. The Cell is significantly more complicated to Continue reading
Modelica PARallel benchmark suite (MPAR) – A test suite for Evaluating the Performance of Parallel Simulations of Modelica Models (Computer Project)
Using the object-oriented, equation-based modeling language Modelica, it is possible to model and simulate computationally intensive models. To reduce the simulation time, a desirable approach is to Continue reading
Automatic Parallel Memory Address Generation for Parallel DSP Computing (Computer/Electronics Project)
The concept of Parallel Vector (scratch pad) Memories (PVM) was introduced as one solution for Parallel Computing in DSP, which can provides parallel memory addressing efficiently with Continue reading
Strategies for Enhancing Throughput and Fairness in SMT Processors (Electronics Project)
Simultaneous Multithreading (SMT) is a technique to execute multiple threads in parallel in a single processor pipeline. An SMT processor has Continue reading
Modeling and Optimization Techniques for Efficient Implementation of Parallel Embedded Systems (Electronics Project)
Embedded systems are becoming more and more important. The products containing embedded systems span from day-to-day household and consumer products, such as Continue reading
Algorithm Adaptation and Optimization of a Novel DSP Vector Co-processor (Computer/Electronics Project)
The Division of Computer Engineering at Linköping’s university is currently researching the possibility to create a highly parallel Continue reading