Water resources in Australia are limited. For a farmer the access to water is crucial and due to the dry climate the farmers in Australia can not rely on precipitation. Irrigation is therefore a very important part of the Continue reading
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Tag: Program model
Smooth Operator: Control Using the Smooth Robustness of Temporal Logic (Electronics Project)
Modern control systems, like controllers for swarms of quadrotors, must satisfy complex control objectives while withstanding a wide range of disturbances, from bugs Continue reading
Mind Reading Machines: Automated Inference of Cognitive Mental States from Video (Computer Project)
Mind reading encompasses our ability to attribute mental states to others, and is essential for operating in a complex social environment. The goal in building mind reading machines is to enable computer technologies to understand and react Continue reading
Securing Network Connected Applications with Proposed Security Models (Computer Project)
In today’s society, serious organizations need protection against both internal and external attacks. There are many different technologies available that organizations can incorporate into their organization in order to enhance security for their networking applications. Unfortunately, Continue reading
Open Source Strategy: A Change of Perception through the Lens of Innovation (Management Project)
Open Source Software has been all about myths until recently, with many people believing that open source isn’t reliable because the open source projects are held by a small group of Continue reading
Design and Program Multi-Processor Platform for High-Performance Embedded Processing (Electronics Project)
Modern embedded markets call for high density computing ability, making it is difficult to use just one microprocessor to meet function requirements of high performance embedded systems. Multiple processors, including general-purpose Continue reading
Alchemi: A .NET-based Grid Computing Framework and its Integration into Global Grids (Computer Project)
Computational grids that couple geographically distributed resources are becoming the de-facto computing platform for solving large-scale problems in science, engineering, and commerce. Software to Continue reading
Emotionally Expressive Song Synthesis Using Formants and Syllables (Computer Project)
Speech synthesis is an area of computer science with many practical uses, such as enabling people with visual impairments to take part of text and to provide more human-like feedback from Continue reading
A Portal based System for Indoor Environs (Computer Project)
The purpose of this project is to document the development of the graphics part of an extremely pluggable game engine/lab environment for a course in advanced game programming. This project is one out of five, and concerns indoor, realtime computer 3D Continue reading
Meta-Model Guided Error Correction for UML Models (Computer Project)
Modeling is a complex process which is quite hard to do in a structured and controlled way. Many companies provide a set of guidelines for model structure, naming conventions and other modeling rules. Using meta-models to describe these guidelines makes it possible to Continue reading
A Multimedia DSP Processor Design (Computer Project)
This Master Thesis presents the design of the core of a fixed point general purpose multimedia DSP processor (MDSP) and its instruction set. This processor employs parallel processing techniques and Continue reading
Anubis: An Attestation Protocol for Distributed Context-Aware Applications (Computer Project)
Sharing sensitive context information among multiple distributed components in mobile environments introduces major security concerns. The distributed sensing, processing and actuating components of these applications Continue reading