An automated greenhouse is a framework that utilizes nursery innovations to make a positive ecological condition virtually to develop ideal creation of plants. Controlling climatic conditions are one of the most critical challenges in agribusiness. In like manner, a robotized nursery framework has been developed to accomplish observations and controlling of the climatic parameters which is straightforwardly or in a roundabout way that administers the plants development and generation.
In a nursery using greenhouse structure that is made with glass or plastic it warms up from approaching obvious sun oriented radiation which is consumed by the plants and absorbed by the surface. Eventually air is warmed by the warmth from hot inside surfaces and held within the nursery dividers that makes the environment inside it warmer. With the association of present day innovations, this research takes a risk to actualize these frameworks for farming with no human consideration.
The motivation behind this exploration is to make an innovation that makes exceedingly exact environment in a work sparing angle. In this work an Atmega328 MCU is utilized to do some predefined tasks, made by some specific codes with the help of an Arduino prototyping board. The system projects the parameters in a display as well as controls four vital parameters like temperature, light, humidity and soil moisture to accomplish viability and functionality of nursery environment control gadgets.
To manage greenhouse with the Embedded System and Zigbee Technology was implemented by S.Thenmozhi et al. Remote Monitoring Station was implemented by Jonathan A. Enokela et al for securing Greenhouse Control System. Climate monitoring system based on Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) technology was developed by Mahmoud Shakeret et al. A. Rahali et al developed greenhouse system based on GSM. CAN Bus is used to automate green house by Shridhar Joteppagol et al. By using ARM7 Controller Sushama Arjun Kolhe et al describe greenhouse automation.

Fig.1. Block Diagram of the Proposed System.
Fig.1 illustrates a block diagram of greenhouse automation system design with its hard ware components involved and connections. Here the main component is the microcontroller (At mega 328). Four sensors have been used to feed the input parameters at AT mega 328. It reads this sensor output and can generate output according to the program written into it.

Fig.2. Graphical representation of the application of the system.
Fig. 2 represent the graphical representation of the application of the system. The hardware system is developed with combination three different parts.

Fig.5. Flowchart for automatic water pump control.
Furthermore, when the soil has moisture to a desired level the microcontroller sends signal to turn off the pump through interfacing devices according to the sensors output. The program is written on the microcontroller according to the flowchart represent in Fig. 5.

Fig.7. Simulation circuit of the system.
To maintain climatic condition inside the greenhouse the temperature, humidity, LDR and soil moisture sensors are used to sense the natural climatic condition, whose output signals used by the microcontroller to control the leading climate control devices shown in Fig. 7.

Fig.8. Implement circuit.
The Fig. 8 represent the practical implemented circuit of the developed system. Since the proposed system is a climate control package from the title there the climatic parameters are controlled automatically by using various sensors threshold values (programmable by microcontroller). In a greenhouse for good plantation some parameters like temperature, humidity, soil moisture and light must be controlled. For these reason four sensors (temperature sensor, humidity sensor, soil moisture sensor and LDR) are used to develop this system.
The developed system is suitable for both large scale agribusiness as well as small agriculture farm. For large scale agribusinesses, the cost will be increased for conditioning equipment’s but the controlling cost will be same in all arenas which are significantly less than labor costs. Moreover, the efficiency and accuracy of the system is more accurate than manual systems.
Human can observe whether the soil is wet or not. But the proposed system is able to measure the actual amount of moisture that is present in the soil. Again, it is very tough for human to measure actual light intensity, temperature and humidity while this proposed system can do them all very accurately. It eliminates risk of human errors to maintain a greenhouse at a specific environmental condition. Moreover, it is also eco-friendly. With the addition of wireless technologies between the sensors the system can be more reliable, cost effective for larger area and easy to implement. But this technology with wire connections is more suitable for small scale agribusinesses.
Source: Islamic university
Authors: T. Saha | M. K. H. Jewel | M. N. Mostakim | N. H. Bhuiyan | M. S. Ali | K. Rahman | H. K. Ghosh | Md. Khalid Hossain
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