Streams of information rather than static databases are becoming increasingly important with the rapid changes involved in a number of fields such as Continue reading
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Computer Projects
Face Recognition using Image Processing for Visually Challenged (Computer/Electronics Project)
In this paper the face recognition is done for the visually challenged people. Visually challenged people faces lot of problems in day to day life. Our goal is to make them lead a life which is of security and safety for their own Continue reading
Safety-Critical Medical Device Development using the UPP2SF Model Translation Tool (Computer/Biomedical Project)
Software-based control of life-critical embedded systems has become increasingly complex, and to a large extent has come to determine the safety of the human being. For example, implantable cardiac pacemakers have over 80,000 lines Continue reading
Resilient Parameter-Invariant Control with Application to Vehicle Cruise Control (Computer Project)
This work addresses the general problem of resilient control of unknown stochastic linear time-invariant (LTI) systems in the presence of sensor attacks. Motivated by a vehicle cruise control application, this work considers a first order system Continue reading
Assuring the Safety of On-Demand Medical Cyber-Physical Systems (Computer Project)
We present an approach to establish safety of on demand medical cyber-physical systems which are assembled to treat a patient in a specific clinical scenario. We treat such a system as a virtual medial device (VMD) and propose a Continue reading
Towards Synthesis of Platform-Aware Attack-Resilient Control Systems: Extended Abstract (Computer Project)
Over the past decade, the design process in the automotive industry has gone through a period of significant changes. Modern vehicles present a complex interaction of a large number of embedded Electronic Control Units (ECUs), interacting Continue reading
A Modal Specification Approach for On-Demand Medical Systems (Computer Project)
The on-demand approach, where systems are assembled from components by lay users, has seen success in the consumer electronics industry. Currently, there is growing demand for on-demand capabilities in medical systems so Continue reading
Localization, Visualization And Evacuation Guidance System In Emergency Situations (Computer Project)
Urban search and rescue is needed for a variety of emergencies or disasters, including tornadoes, floods, dam failures, technological accidents, and terrorist Continue reading
Calculation of Signalling RTP Packet Error Probability in Internet (Computer/Electronics Project)
We analyze the errors in the Internet packets carrying telephony signalling information. Error probability, obtained by using redundant packet sending, is also calculated. It is proved that fatal error probability, when signalling packets are sent Continue reading
Model-based Development of the Generic PCA Infusion Pump User Interface Prototype in PVS (Computer Project)
A realistic user interface is rigorously developed for the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Generic Patient Controlled Analgesia (GPCA) pump prototype. The GPCA pump prototype is intended as a realistic Continue reading
Resilient Linear Classification: an Approach to Deal with Attacks on Training Data (Computer Project)
Data-driven techniques are used in cyber-physical systems (CPS) for controlling autonomous vehicles, handling demand responses for energy management, and modeling human physiology for medical devices. These data-driven techniques Continue reading
Verified ROS-based Deployment of Platform-Independent Control Systems (Computer/Electronics Project)
The paper considers the problem of model-based deployment of platform-independent control code on a specific platform. The approach is based on automatic generation of platform-specific glue code from an architectural model Continue reading