The most widely used protocol for providing reliable service and congestion control in the Internet is the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). When the Internet is moving towards more use in mobile applications it is getting more important to Continue reading
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Computer Projects
Data Transformation Portal (Computer Project)
The purpose with this report is to present the findings from the project work performed at Ipendo Systems. The goal was to develop a methodological support for the Continue reading
Scheduling of Modern Elevators (Computer Project)
Three heuristics for scheduling of a modern elevator system are evaluated and compared to one another. Modern elevators are described as an elevator Continue reading
Enhanching the Human-Team Awareness of a Robot (Robotics/Computer Project)
The use of autonomous robots in our society is increasing every day and a robot is no longer seen as a tool but as a team member. The robots are now working side by side Continue reading
Data Acquisition as Industrial Cloud Service (Computer Project)
The aim of this thesis was to develop a practical solution for industrial remote monitoring of automation equipment including real-time data acquisition from Siemens automation devices and storage Continue reading
Extensible Energy Planning Framework for Preemptive Tasks (Electronics/Computer Project)
Cyber-physical systems (CSPs) are demanding energy-efficient design not only of hardware (HW), but also of software (SW). Dynamic Voltage and and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) and Dynamic Power Manage (DPM) are most popular Continue reading
Cache-Aware Compositional Analysis of Real-Time Multicore Virtualization Platforms (Computer Project)
Multicore processors are becoming ubiquitous, and it is becoming increasingly common to run multiple real-time systems on a shared multicore platform. While this trend helps to reduce cost and to increase performance, it also makes it more Continue reading
Biometrics – Developing the Architecture, API, Encryption and Security (Computer/Electronics Project)
As the technology behind biometrics become cheaper and more reliable, many companies have begun to integrate various biometrics into their existing security system. This document will explain Continue reading
Co-design of Control and Platform with Dropped Signals (Computer Project)
This paper examines a co-design of control and platform in the presence of dropped signals. In a cyber-physical system, due to increasing complexities such as the simultaneous control of several applications, limited resources, and Continue reading
Web Based ERP Systems (Software/MBA Project)
With the proliferation of Internet, ERP systems like all the domains of Information Technology have known an important evolution. This final thesis project is a study about the evolution of ERP systems, more precisely about their migration to the Web giving birth to a new generation of Continue reading
Energy Optimization in Android Applications Through Wakelock Placement (Computer Project)
Energy efficiency is a critical factor in mobile systems, and a significant body of recent research efforts has focused on reducing the energy dissipation Continue reading
Facebook Blocket With Unsupervised Learning Filter (Electronics/Computer Project)
The Internet has become a valuable channel for both business-to-consumer and business-to-business e-commerce. It has changed the way for many companies to manage the business. Every day, more and more companies Continue reading