Software as a Service (SaaS) provides access to applications to end users over the Internet without upfront investment in infrastructure and Continue reading
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Strategic Placing of Field Hospitals Using Spatial Analysis (Civil Project)
Humanitarian help organisations today may benefit on improving their location analysis when placing field hospitals in countries hit by a disasters or catastrophe. The main objective of this study is to develop and evaluate a Continue reading
Gearbox Diagnosis (Electrical/Electronics Project)
Diagnosis based on vibration analysis is a method that has many benefits to offer. It is easy to implement the method on existing transmissions by attaching accelerometers outside the gearbox housing. If you have knowledge of the gearbox geometry, such as Continue reading
Study of Mobile Robot Operations Related to Lunar Exploration (Computer Project)
Mobile robots extend the reach of exploration in environments unsuitable, or unreachable, by humans. Far-reaching environments, such as the south lunar pole, exhibit lighting conditions that are challenging for optical imagery required for Continue reading
Aspects of Structural Design With Glass (Civil Project)
Glass is being increasingly used as a structural material. In particular, its favorable aesthetic qualities have made it popular with Continue reading
On-Board Diagnostics over Ethernet (Electronics Project)
Modern vehicles are more electrical than mechanical. As the vehicle industry goes on, more mechanical parts are being replaced by electrical components, e.g. x-by-wire. Weight and production costs could be the major factors in this revolution. To ensure the safety and Continue reading
Android Environment Security (Computer Project)
In modern times mobile devices are a increasing technology and malicious users are increasing as well. On a mobile device it often exist valuable private information that a malicious user is interested in and it often has lower Continue reading
Timberland valuation: Current theory and practice in Estonia and Sweden (Civil Project)
In some countries forests are state or community owned and there is no market for forest land. However, in many countries timberland can be privately owned and thus there exists an active market for it. In Estonia and Sweden private timberland ownership is very high, Continue reading
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of the Four Tank Process (Electrical/Electronics Project)
Model predictive control techniques are widely used in the process industry. They are considered methods that give good performance and are able to operate during long periods without almost any intervention. Model predictive control is also the Continue reading
Study of security aspects for Session Initiation Protocol (Computer Project)
The objective with this study is to describe security mechanisms that are integrated or are proposed to be integrated with the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). SIP is used for establishing, modifying, and terminating multimedia sessions over the Continue reading
The new premises of the Tanzanian orphanage Kichijo (Civil Project)
To proceed with the relocation of orphanage, Kichijo new premises that are in line with all regulations need to be planned. That planning is the purpose of Continue reading
Data Acquisition for Flight Tests using Handheld GPS and Electronic Flight Instrument System (Electrical/Electronics Project)
This paper addresses the data acquisition system designed in order to gather flight test data for two different aircraft for the AERO flight test class at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. It summarizes the system, data acquisition devices, methods used, data comparison Continue reading