The U.S. Navy has an interest in researching the movement of obstacles in shallow water due to an explosive detonation. Obstacles that are placed in Continue reading
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Earnings Management using Classification Shifting (Management Project)
In this paper we examine if managers of Swedish firms listed on OMX Large Cap engage in earnings management by shifting core expenses to income decreasing special items in Continue reading
A Security Framework for the Internet of Things in the Future Internet Architecture (Electrical/Electronics Project)
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a recent trend that extends the boundary of the Internet to include a wide variety of computing devices. Connecting many stand-alone IoT systems through the Internet introduces many challenges, with security being Continue reading
Java Applications for A Bluetooth Platform (Computer Project)
The proliferation of sophisticated electronic devices and growth of computer networking have provided motivation for the development of Bluetooth standard. This short range wireless technology allows different types of consumer devices, ranging from mobile phones to Continue reading
Microfabrication and Analysis of Manifold Microchannel Coolers for Power Electronics (Mechanical Project)
This research presents the analysis and realization of a single phase high performance manifold microchannel cooler for improving the thermal and hydrodynamic performance of multi-chip power electronic modules. This heat exchanger, microfabricated directly into the Continue reading
Entering the Swedish Management Consulting Industry (Management Project)
The management consultancy, a 14 billion EUR industry in Europe, has become an attractive market in the last couple of years. The Swedish market is blooming with an economic growth of a staggering Continue reading
An Event Reporting and Early-Warning Safety System based on the Internet of Things for Underground Coal Mines: A Case Study (Electronics/Computer Project)
Fatal accidents associated with underground coal mines require the implementation of high-level gas monitoring and miner’s localization approaches to promote underground safety and health. This study introduces a real-time monitoring, event-reporting and Continue reading
Predicting Software Test Effort in Iterative Development Using a Dynamic Bayesian Network (Computer Project)
It is important to manage iterative projects in a way to maximize quality and minimize cost. To achieve high quality, accurate project estimates are of high importance. It is challenging to predict the effort that is required to Continue reading
Design of a Planetary-Cyclo-Drive Speed Reducer: Cycloid Stage, Geometry, Element Analyses (Mechanical Project)
This project has been assigned by SwePart Transmissions AB. It is about calculation and dimensioning, of the elements in a cycloid stage of a speed reducer. Their idea is to use the results from this project and go into production of Continue reading
Transparency in Corporations and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act: A qualitative study of leaders perceptions (Mangement Project)
Transparency is known to be an important factor when fighting corruption in governments, companies and organizations. When the scandals in the USA came true in the Continue reading
Toward a Trust Evaluation Mechanism in the Social Internet of Things (Electrical/Electronics Project)
In the blooming era of the Internet of Things (IoT), trust has been accepted as a vital factor for provisioning secure, reliable, seamless communications and services. However, a large number of challenges still remain unsolved due to the ambiguity of the Continue reading
Fairness-Aware and Privacy-Preserving Friend Matching Protocol in Mobile Social Networks (IEEE Computer Project)
Mobile social networks represent a promising cyber-physical system, which connects mobile nodes within a local physical proximity using mobile smart phones as Continue reading