It is a requirement of the project briefing document that each site is to incorporate sustainable technologies within their design in order to reduce energy consumption in line with global measures to reduce Continue reading
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The novelty of Open Innovation (Management Project)
Proponents of Open Innovation argue in support of its novel additions, critics however question its novelty and argue that the roots of Open Innovation predate Chesbrough. We investigate what is novel about Open Innovation by comparing Continue reading
A Cloud-based Internet of Things Platform for Ambient Assisted Living (Computers/Electrical Project)
A common feature of ambient intelligence is that many objects are inter-connected and act in unison, which is also a challenge in the Internet of Things. There has been a shift in research towards integrating both concepts, considering the Internet of Continue reading
Can Flight Data Recorder Memory be Stored on the Cloud? (Computer Project)
Flight data recorders (FDRs, or black boxes) generate data that is collected on an embedded memory device. A well-known difficulty with these devices is that the embedded memory device runs out of Continue reading
Checking for Application Vulnerabilities Using Fault Injection (Mechanical Project)
This study introduces a fault injector, called “Pulad”, specifically developed for finding application vulnerabilities. Most previous approaches for finding application vulnerabilities involved Continue reading
Global Sensitivity Analysis of the Building Energy Performance and Correlation Assessment of the Design Parameters (Civil Project)
The world’s energy use in buildings (residential and commercial) accounts for around 40% of the worldwide energy consumption, and space heating is the responsible for half of the energy need in the building sector. In Europe, only a small share (less than 10%) of Continue reading
Safety Motivation System (Management Project)
In this study, we investigate the creation of safety motivation through a safety motivation system applied in a hazardous business. This system forms upon Continue reading
Design and Implementation of a CoAP-Compliant Solution for RFID Inclusion in the Internet of Things (Electrical/Electronics Project)
Recent technological advancements allowed widening the applicability scope of the RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology from item identification to sensor-enabled computation platforms. This feature, added to the native radio energy-harvesting Continue reading
A Layered Approach for Testing Timing in the Model-based Implementation (Computer Project)
The model-based implementation is to derive an implementation from a model that has been shown to meet requirements. Even though this approach can be used to guarantee that an implementation satisfies functional requirements Continue reading
iNUIT: Internet of Things for Urban Innovation (Electrical/Electronics Project)
Internet of Things (IoT) seems a viable way to enable the Smart Cities of the future. iNUIT (Internet of Things for Urban Innovation) is a multi-year research program that aims to create an ecosystem that exploits the variety of data coming from multiple Continue reading
Linking Abstract Analysis to Concrete Design: A Hierarchical Approach to Verify Medical CPS Safety (Computer Project)
Complex cyber-physical systems are typically hierarchically organized into multiple layers of abstraction in order to manage design complexity and provide verification tractability. Formal reasoning about such systems, therefore, necessarily Continue reading
On-Chip Thermoelectric Cooling of Semiconductor Hot Spot (Mechanical Project)
The Moore’s Law progression in semiconductor technology, including shrinking feature size, increasing transistor density, and faster circuit speeds, is leading to increasing total power dissipations and heat fluxes on silicon chip. Moreover, in recent years, increasing Continue reading