The need of exploring efficient solutions to today’s engineering problems is becoming essential in the current market development. Soil Steel composite bridges (SSCB) are considered well competitive in terms of their feasibility and Continue reading
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Virtualization of Event Sources in Wireless Sensor Networks for the Internet of Things (Electrical/Electronics Project)
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are generally used to collect information from the environment. The gathered data are delivered mainly to sinks or gateways that become the endpoints where applications can retrieve and process such data. Continue reading
Contracts made Manifest (Computer Project)
Since Findler and Felleisen (Findler, R. B. & Felleisen, M. 2002) introduced higher-order contracts, many variants have been proposed. Broadly, these fall into two groups: some follow Findler and Felleisen (2002) in using latent contracts, purely Continue reading
Investigation of Operating Conditions for Optimum Biogas Production in Plug Flow Type Reactor (Mechanical Project)
Bio gas is a sustainable alternative for fossil fuels. This also provides a solution to biowastes. There are various designs for Continue reading
Framework for Calibration of a Traffic State Space Model (Civil Project)
To evaluate the traffic state over time and space, several models can be used. A typical model for estimating the state of the traffic for a stretch of road or a road network is the Continue reading
Rebranding’s Impact on Brand Attitude and Customer-Based Brand Equity among Swedish Consumers (Management Project)
Research Question:
How will brand attitude and customer based brand equity change after a revolutionary rebranding among Continue reading
Design and Implementation of an IoT Access Point for Smart Home (Electrical/Electronics Project)
Network communication and micro-electro-mechanical embedded technologies have attracted much attention in recent years. Through these technologies, the capabilities of sensing, identification, and communication can be embedded in various Continue reading
Automatic Generation of Web Applications and Management System (Computer Project)
One of the major difficulties in web application design is the tediousness of constructing new web pages from scratch. For traditional web application projects, the web application designers usually design and implement web application projects step by step, in detail.
My project is called “automatic generation of web applications and management system.” Continue reading
A Novel Airflow Control Valve for use in Medical Applications (Mechanical Project)
Rapid improvements in digital technology over the last two decades have led to artificial ventilators that drastically improve physicians’ ability to Continue reading
Arsenic (V) and Phosphate Sorption to Swedish Clay Soils – Freundlich Sorption Modelling (Civil Project)
This study is an attempt to analyze and interpret the behavior of the two elements arsenic and phosphorus when released into the environment. Both of them may occur naturally in Continue reading
Financial Liberalization, Bank Crises and Growth (Management Project)
This paper studies the effects of financial liberalization and banking crises on growth. It shows that financial liberalization spurs on average economic growth. Banking crises are harmful for growth, but to a Continue reading
A Novel Scheme for an Energy Efficient Internet of Things based on Wireless Sensor Networks (Electrical/Electronics Project)
One of the emerging networking standards that gap between the physical world and the cyber one is the Internet of Things. In the Internet of Things, smart objects communicate with each other, data are gathered and certain requests of users are satisfied Continue reading