Bridges in America are of special importance. The analysis of these bridges should be carried out for different loading conditions. Bridges are normally designed for dead load, live load and other occasional loads. American Association of State Highways and Continue reading
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Impact of Sport Sponsorship on a Brand (Management Project)
The underlying motivation of this paper is the investigation of the impact sport sponsorship has on a brand. As sport sponsorship is scholarly considered to be a powerful brand equity building method, this Continue reading
A Single-Stage Grid Connected Inverter Topology for Solar PV Systems With Maximum Power Point Tracking (Electronics – IEEE Project)
This paper proposes a high performance, single-stage inverter topology for grid connected PV systems. The proposed configuration can not only boost the usually low photovoltaic (PV) array voltage, but can also Continue reading
Average Consensus in Wireless Sensor Networks with Probabilistic Network Links (Networking Project)
This study proposes and evaluates an average consensus scheme for wireless sensor networks. For this purpose, two communication error models, the fading signal error model and approximated fading signal error model, are introduced and incorporated into the proposed decentralized Continue reading
Assessment of Pollution Levels Resulting from Biomass Gasification (Mechanical Project)
Today the large scale introduction of biomass gasification is hampered by health, safety and environmental issues which present a major barrier in the deployment of this technology. The condensate in particular resulting from producer gas cooling before use in Continue reading
Design and Development of a Spray Booth (Civil Project)
As a part of a more extensive project of developing a new finishing line at the Bolivian door manufacturer Tecno Carpinteria San Pedro this study presents the development process for a special designed spray booth. The study covers every phase from a Continue reading
Managerial Search and the Pursuit of Opportunity (Management Project)
This project explores the search behavior of CEOs and how this behavior relates to the opportunities they recognize and take action upon. Opportunities are defined in this dissertation as the Continue reading
An Indoor Monitoring System for Ambient Assisted Living Based on Internet of Things Architecture (Electrical/Electronics Project)
The study of systems and architectures for ambient assisted living (AAL) is undoubtedly a topic of great relevance given the aging of the world population. The AAL technologies are designed to meet the needs of the aging population in order to maintain their Continue reading
Requirements Engineering Process Maturity Model for Market Driven Projects: The REPM-M Model (Computer Project)
Several software projects are over budgeted or have to face failures during operations. One big reason of this is Software Company develops wrong software due to wrong interpretation of Continue reading
Optimization of Calculation Models of Maintenance Offers for new Civil Engines (Mechanical Project)
The sales support department performs calculations concerning maintenance offerings for civil engines based on the use of complex tools. This report describes the missions Continue reading
What’s in a Name?: A study on the success factors of brand naming in China (Management Project)
Background: China is highly relevant in today’s economic environment and will be even more important in the upcoming years, since the Chinese economy, including its Continue reading
RGCA: A Reliable GPU Cluster Architecture for Large-Scale Internet of Things Computing based on Effective Performance-Energy Optimization (Electrical/Electronics Project)
This paper aims to develop a low-cost, high-performance and high-reliability computing system to process large-scale data using common data mining algorithms in the Internet of Things (IoT) computing environment. Considering the characteristics of Continue reading