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A Single-Stage Grid Connected Inverter Topology for Solar PV Systems With Maximum Power Point Tracking (Electronics – IEEE Project)

This paper proposes a high performance, single-stage inverter topology for grid connected PV systems. The proposed configuration can not only boost the usually low photovoltaic (PV) array voltage, but can also Continue reading

An Indoor Monitoring System for Ambient Assisted Living Based on Internet of Things Architecture (Electrical/Electronics Project)


The study of systems and architectures for ambient assisted living (AAL) is undoubtedly a topic of great relevance given the aging of the world population. The AAL technologies are designed to meet the needs of the aging population in order to maintain their Continue reading

RGCA: A Reliable GPU Cluster Architecture for Large-Scale Internet of Things Computing based on Effective Performance-Energy Optimization (Electrical/Electronics Project)


This paper aims to develop a low-cost, high-performance and high-reliability computing system to process large-scale data using common data mining algorithms in the Internet of Things (IoT) computing environment. Considering the characteristics of Continue reading