Accurate wind resource assessment is of high importance for wind farm development. This thesis estimates and compares the annual energy production results produced employing two wind farm Continue reading
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Lateral Pile-soil Interaction in Liquifable Soils (Civil Project)
The p-y curves are widely used to define lateral pile-soil interaction (LPSI) in a Beam on Non-linear Winkler Foundation (BNWF) model, where ‘p’ refers to the Continue reading
The Role of Product Architecture in The Agile Manufacturing Firms (Management Project)
Purpose – Agile manufacturing concept was first coined by Iacocca institute in 1991 as a new manufacturing paradigm in order to provide and ensure competitiveness in the emerging global manufacturing order. Afterward, a considerable number of Continue reading
The Performance of an Iced Aircraft Wing (Mechanical/Electronics Project)
The goal of this study work has been to develop and manufacture an ice layer which was to be mounted on the tip of a scaled down wing model. The iced wing should be Continue reading
Indoor Navigation Using Accelerometer and Magnetometer (Electronics Project)
This project will create a navigation system based on dead reckoning using an accelerometer and a magnetometer. There have previously been several studies made on navigation with accelerometers, magnetometers (electronic compass) and gyros. With these three components it is possible to Continue reading
The Cloud is Not Enough: Saving IOT from the Cloud (Computer Project)
The Internet of Things (IoT) represents a new class of applications that can benefit from cloud infrastructure. However, the current approach of directly connecting smart devices to the cloud Continue reading
Wireless ECG (Electronics/Biomedical Project)
This document contains the development of an amplifier for an ECG-signal and interfacing it to wireless communication. The purpose of this project is to get a clear ECG-signal without any noise, save it and send it through wireless communication. A challenge of Continue reading
A Temperature Control System for the Alfvén Laboratory Balloon Experiment (Mechanical Project)
The polarized Gamma-ray Observer (PoGOLite) is a balloon-borne experiment that will measure the polarization of soft gamma rays in the energy range 25 keV-80 keV. PoGOLite will carry an auroral Continue reading
Ground Heave Around Driven Piles in Clay (Civil Project)
Large diameter piles have increasingly been used, especially for offshore foundations. Most of the piles that have been used offshore have been open-ended. There is evidence from previous work that closed-ended piles have Continue reading
Management Factors Influencing Open Innovation Integration and Appropriation of Returns (Management Project)
With innovation becoming the source of growth for major businesses, there has been a strong debate among the academic and the industrial fraternity relating to managing different channels of Continue reading
Bicycle Power Generator Design: Off Grid Energy Solutions (Electronics Project)
Our goal for this project is to design and implement a bicycle power generator for the DC House Project. The DC House Project is an initiative to bring safe and reliable power to the billions of people Continue reading
Vehicle Handling, Stability and Bifurcaiton Analysis for Nonlinear Vehicle Models (Mechanical Project)
Vehicle handling, stability, and bifurcation of equilibrium conditions were studied using a state vector approach. The research provided a framework for an improved method of vehicle handling assessment that included Continue reading