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Flexible, Scalable and Energy Efficient Bio-Signals Processing on the PULP Platform: A Case Study on Seizure Detection (Electrical/Electronics Project)


Ultra-low power operation and extreme energy efficiency are strong requirements for a number of high-growth application areas requiring near-sensor processing, including elaboration of biosignals. Parallel near-threshold computing is emerging as an approach Continue reading

A Linked List-based Algorithm for Blob Detection on Embedded Vision-based Sensors (Electrical/Electronics Project)


Blob detection is a common task in vision-based applications. Most existing algorithms are aimed at execution on general purpose computers; while very few can be adapted to the computing restrictions present in embedded platforms. This paper focuses Continue reading

An Embedded Sensing and Communication Platform, and a Healthcare Model for Remote Monitoring of Chronic Diseases (Electrical/Electronics Project)


This paper presents a new remote healthcare model, which, exploiting wireless biomedical sensors, an embedded local unit (gateway) for sensor data acquisition-processing-communication, and a remote e-Health service center, can be scaled Continue reading

Using Monocular Vision and Image Correlation to Accomplish Autonomous Localization (Electrical/Electronics Project)


For autonomous navigation, robots and vehicles must have accurate estimates of their current state (i.e. location and orientation) within an inertial coordinate frame. If a map is given a priori, the process of determining this state is known as localization. Continue reading

An Overview of Binary Arithmetic Architectures & Their Implementation in DSP Systems (Electrical/Electronics Project)


Many branches of the electrical engineering industry involve applications that use digital signal processing. Almost any type of signal that comes in analog form, such as sound, video, and radio or microwaves, must use digital signal processing for Continue reading

Fixed-Wing UAV Attitude Estimation Using Single Antenna GPS Signal Strength Measurements (Electrical/Electronics Project)


This article considers a novel approach to using global positioning system (GPS) signal strength readings and estimated velocity vector for estimating the attitude of a small fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). This approach has the benefit being able to Continue reading

Hardware and Software Study of Active Noise Cancellation (Electrical/Electronics Project)


Noise cancellation involves removing an unwanted noise while keeping the source sound. The source sound may consist of speech, music played from a device such as an iPod or a computer, or no sound at all. The objective of this project is to study the process Continue reading

Subwoofer Frequency Response Optimization by Means of Active Control (Electrical/Electronics Project)


Most subwoofer systems have difficulties producing frequencies in the low end of the hearing spectrum due to the added power requirements and instabilities. Active controls can transform the audio signal without changing physical characteristics and Continue reading