This paper presents a new methodology for blood phenotyping based on the plate test and on image processing techniques to determine the occurrence of Continue reading
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Design and Evaluation of Pediatric Gait Rehabilitation Robots (Mechanical Project)
Gait therapy methodologies were studied and analyzed for their potential for pediatric patients. Using data from heel, metatarsal, and toe trajectories, a nominal gait trajectory was determined using Fourier transforms for Continue reading
The Development of Multi-Axis Real-time Substructure Testing (Civil Project)
Real-time substructure is a novel hybrid method for the dynamic testing of structures. During an experiment, the structure of interest is divided into two entities. The crucial parts for the project undertaken are physically replicated and loaded Continue reading
Creating Marketing Strategies for Wedding Business Unit of Amari Atrium Hotel (Management Project)
What should be marketing strategies for wedding business unit of Amari Atrium Hotel?
What should be marketing strategies for wedding business unit of Amari Atrium Hotel?The aim of our thesis is to Continue reading
Automatic Water Pump Controller (Electrical Project)
In countries including Indonesia, Mexico, Guatemala, and El Salvador, a city water authority supplies the clean water and pumps it into large ground-level storage tanks. A resident’s water pump then pumps the Continue reading
Study of 3-Dimensional Co-Flow Jet Airplane and High-Rise Building Flow Using CFD Simulation (Mechanical Project)
The purpose of this thesis is to design and study an aircraft which implements the Co-Flow Jet (CFJ) airfoil concept, as well as to study the CAARC standard highrise Continue reading
Rehabilation and Maintenance of Road Pavements using High Early Strength Concrete (Civil Project)
The vast amount of civil infrastructure in the United States includes an extensive stretch of road networks. From an economic point of view it is more cost effective to maintain the Continue reading
Succession Planning for Senior Staff Positions (Management Project)
The problem was the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department did not have a policy for rotating senior level managers through critical staff positions to provide Continue reading
Embedded System for Sensor Communication and Security (Electronics Project)
In this work, inter-integrated circuit mode (I2C) software was used to communicate between sensors and the embedded control system, utilizing PIC182585 MPLAB hardware. These sensors were built as Continue reading
Constraint Programming for Random Testing of a Trading System (Computer Project)
Financial markets use complex computer trading systems whose failures can cause serious economic damage, making reliability a major concern. Automated random testing has been shown to be useful in Continue reading
Design of a Manually Operated Paper-Recycling Machine (Mechanical Project)
A manually operated paper-recycling machine was designed and fabricated. This was done to enable waste paper conversion into useful product. The fabricated plant consists of Continue reading
New possibilities of Magnesium utilization in Wastewater treatment and Nutrients recovery (Civil Project)
New possibilities of nutrients removal by additions of magnesium compounds were studied in primary treatment and supernatant of side stream in wastewater treatment. The precipitation product from this method is Continue reading