This is a simple project on Car Sales programmed in Continue reading
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Behaviour of a SPD Switchable Glazing in an Outdoor Test Cell With Heat Removal Under Varying Weather Conditions (Mechanical Project)
Suspended particle device (SPD) switch able glazing has potential to control transmission of solar radiation in the visible range by changing its transparency from 55% to 5%. Out door test cell Continue reading
Iron material for the remediation of DNAPL-polluted groundwater (Civil Project)
Tetrachloroethylene and its daughter-products represent a group of contaminations which are frequently found at sites with industrial activities, such as metal processing, electrotechnical and pharmaceutical industries as well as Continue reading
How do big European Companies present themselves to attract the most talented people (Management Project)
Some people are born with talent and some people become talented in the process of different techniques and methods. What are the different ways to improve the talent in Continue reading
Simple Fire Alarm Circuit
Here is a simple fire alarm circuit based on a LDR and lamp pair for sensing the fire.The alarm works by sensing the smoke produced during fire.The circuit produces an audible alarm when the fire breaks out with Continue reading
Privacy-Invasive Software (Computer Project)
As computers are increasingly more integrated into our daily lives we become more dependent on software. This situation is exploited by villainous actors on the Internet that distribute malicious software in search for fast financial gains on the expense of deceived computer users. As a result, Continue reading
A Techno-economic Analysis of Wind Generation in Conjunction with Compressed Air Energy in the Integrated Single Electricity Market (Mechanical Project)
The Integrated Single Electricity Market (I-SEM) is the proposed wholesale electricity market for Ireland and it is intended to replace the current Single Continue reading
Measuring Inaccessible Points in Land Surveying and Analysis of their Uncertainty (Civil Project)
When surveying inaccessible points with a total station or a GNSS, some special indirect methods might be required. The objective of this report is to find suitable special indirect methods for specific surveying cases; furthermore, some recommendations for the Continue reading
Using the Mental Force of The Employee: Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Management Project)
The purpose of this study is to analyse the problem that the companies do not use the potential of their employees on innovations and intrapreneurial processes.
The source of innovation is usually the entrepreneur. These are individuals that come up Continue reading
No Doze EEG Sleep Detector (Electronics Project)
An appreciable difference exists between brainwaves of a person that is awake and a person that is on the verge of sleep. As a person transitions from alertness to sleep, the alpha rhythms of his/her brainwaves decrease in frequency, diminish in amplitude, and become Continue reading
Implementation of MIMO-OFDM System for WiMAX (Electronics/Electrical Project)
Error free transmission is one of the main aims in wireless communications. With the increase in multimedia applications, large amount of data is being transmitted over Continue reading
Realistic Multi-Cell Interference Coordination in 4G/LTE (Electronics Project)
In the LTE mobile system, all cells use the same set of frequencies. This means that a user could experience interference from other cells. A method that has been studied in order to reduce this interference and thereby increase data rate or system throughput is to Continue reading