Recent empirical firm level studies reveal the structural heterogeneity of firms in process and product innovation, as well as the central role of product quality in determining Continue reading
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Coupling of light from Microdisk Lasers into Plasmonic Nano-antennas (ECE/EEE Project)
An optical dipole nano-antenna can be constructed by placing a sub-wavelength dielectric (e.g., air) gap between two metallic regions. For typical applications using light in the infrared region, the gap width is generally Continue reading
A Visualization Tool for Drill Rig Simulators used in Software Development (Computer Project)
Boomer is a machine that is developed and produced by Atlas Copco Rock Drills AB, which is used for underground mining and tunneling. It is a blast-hole drilling rig equipped with drills that are Continue reading
Enabling Traceability of Design Rationale using the concept of Product Family Description (Mechanical Project)
This thesis work is based on the previous researches in design automation at Sandvik Coromant. The concept of product family description (PFD) has been introduced to the Continue reading
Construction Management or Contractor: A Clients Choice (Civil Project)
Clients within the construction industry have become more aware of benefits that exist and can be reached when going through a Continue reading
Group Structure: Specialists and Generalists (Management Project)
The aim of this thesis is to discuss and explore the subject of organizing generalists and specialists. The purpose of this thesis is to explore and discuss different alternatives on organizational grouping from a generalists and Continue reading
Adaptive Missile Guidance Using GPS (Electronics Project)
In the modern day theatre of combat, the need to be able to strike at targets that are on the opposite side of the globe has strongly presented itself. This had led to the development of Continue reading
Laser Guided Vehicle: Java and MATLAB for Control (Robotics/Computer Project)
This study addresses the generic problem of navigating a robot between obstacles. The experimental case tested here is driving through doorways, which can be seen as a Continue reading
Evaluation Methods for Market Models Used in Smart Grids (Mechanical Project)
The European Union has set environmental targets on climate change in three areas: energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, and reduction of emissions. These targets are the main driver for Continue reading
Dynamic Characterization of a Soft Elastomeric Capacitor for Structural Health Monitoring (Civil Project)
Structural health monitoring of civil infrastructures is a difficult task, often impeded by the geometrical size of the monitored systems. Recent advances in conducting polymers enabled the fabrication of flexible sensors capable of covering Continue reading
Customer Value Creation (Management Project)
When companies go international some factors present in the host country act like forces that might drive the company to standardize or adapt its strategies. The choices between to standardize or to adapt to local needs are of Continue reading
Influence of Scaling Effects on Hub Loads of a Horizontal Wind Turbine (IEEE Electrical Project)
Wind industry aims to generate more energy and reduce energy cost by increasing energy capacity of machines. As a result the loading scales up non-linearly. Nowadays there is a lack of studies of Continue reading