Despite the huge sum of money that is being spent on research and development (R & D) on yearly basis by firms, very few empirical studies exist to shed more lights about the effects of this practice on Continue reading
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Amateur Satellite Tracking Communication System (Electronics Project)
Our objective in this project was to design an Antenna/Transmitter module to communicate with Low Earth Orbiting (LEO) amateur Satellites in the sky. We based our design specifically for the Continue reading
One-Shot Multi-Winner Self-Organizing Maps (Computer Project)
There exist two different approaches to self-organizing maps (SOMs). One approach, rooted in theoretical neuroscience, uses SOMs as computational models of biological cortex. The other approach, taken in Continue reading
An Energy Cube Project for Teaching Engineering Design Process (Mechanical Project)
This year, the College of Engineering and the Built Environment at our institute inaugurated a new Common First Year design project module Continue reading
Work Zone’s Capacity Estimation and Investigation of Potential of Dynamic Merge Systems (Civil Project)
Work zones are an essential part of roads maintenance. Despite all the efforts addressed to reduce work zone’s negative impacts on the road traffic performance and improve the Continue reading
Improving Supply Chain Management With Advanced Planning and Scheduling: Effects and Possibilities With an International Perspective (Management Project)
Companies are more and more moving to low wage regions like Eastern Europe and Asia to stay competitive. Instead of lowering the cost of production, it has been argued that Continue reading
Tracking Insects with Harmonic Radar (Electronics Project)
Harmonic radar technology can be used to track the dispersal of tagged insects. The tag consists of a wire antenna attached to a Schottky diode, which uses the original radar signal as an energy source, re-emitting a harmonic of the Continue reading
Visually impaired and websites: how to improve websites to make it accessible for visually impaired (Computer Project)
The modern IT society is based on Internet access, and many corporations, organizations and persons take advantage of the increased accessibility and flexibility that the Internet provides for products, services and information. This can also cause problems for the Continue reading
Static and Dynamic Analysis of a Commercial Vehicle with Van Body (Mechanical Project)
A vehicle and its structural components are subjected to loads which cause stresses, strains, deflections, vibration and noise in the components. To achieve a quality vehicle, i.e. one having longer fatigue life, reduced weight, reduced cost, and so on, it becomes necessary to use Continue reading
An Assessment of State Agencies Practices in Managing Geotechnical Risks in Design-Build Projects (Civil Project)
State highways agencies policies and procedures for articulating geotechnical information and requirements on Design-Build (DB) projects is a means to manage geotechnical risks. Successful approaches and practices to managing Continue reading
Culture and Management Style:: a Study of Differences of Chinese and Swedish Management Style From Swedish Perception (Management Project)
The purpose of this study is to find out how the cultural dimensions effects on management style. In more detailed way this research would like to Continue reading
RFID Based Book Tracking System for Libraries (Electronics Project)
RFID based systems are going to revolutionize the entire library automation systems. This project is about developing library automation system, which will track the books, say whether they are issued or they are in library, so that library user Continue reading