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Modular General-Purpose Data Filtering for Tracking (Electrical/Electronics Project)

In nearly all modern tracking systems, signal processing is an important part with state estimation as the fundamental component. To evaluate and to reassess different tracking systems in an affordable way, simulations that are in accordance with reality are largely used. Simulation software that is composed of Continue reading

A Single-Pixel Wireless Contact Lens Display (Electronics Project)

We present the design, construction, and in vivo rabbit testing of a wirelessly powered contact lens display. The display consists of an antenna, a 500 x 500 μm2 silicon power harvesting and radio integrated circuit, metal interconnects, insulation layers, and a Continue reading

Color Coded Depth Information in Medical Volume Rendering (Computer/Biomedical Project)

Contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) is used to obtain images showing the vascular system. To detect stenosis, which is narrowing of for example blood vessels, maximum intensity projection (MIP) is typically used. This technique often fails to demonstrate Continue reading