The Compact city is becoming a popular urban development form used frequently in planning literature around the world, especially in Europe. In this paper, we analyze different views upon the Continue reading
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How to Perform Market Orientation in New Product Development (Management Project)
In turbulent environments, the infused marketing function has become an essential and natural part in the firms’ new product development (NPD). Some scholars define NPD as the transformation of a Continue reading
EDAS: An Evaluation Prototype for Autonomic Event-Driven Adaptive Security in the Internet of Things (Electronics/Electrical Project)
In Internet of Things (IoT), the main driving technologies are considered to be tiny sensory objects. These objects cannot host traditional preventive and detective technologies to provide protection against the increasing threat sophistication. Furthermore, Continue reading
Towards Design and Analysis for High-performance and Reliable SSDs (Computer Project)
NAND Flash-based Solid State Disks have many attractive technical merits,such as low power consumption, light weight, shock resistance, sustainability of hotter operation regimes, and extraordinarily high performance for random read access Continue reading
Design of a Vibro-tactile Warning System in an Automobile Application (Mechanical Project)
In-vehicle warning systems are today mainly using the visual and auditory channels for presentation. As cars get more and more sophisticated the demand on new ways of presenting information increases. This report investigates if the sense of touch, in form of a Continue reading
Limitations of the Ground Reaction Curve Concept for Shallow Tunnels Under Anisotropic In-situ Stress Conditions (Civil Project)
The deep mining industry and civil engineering need to perform rock stability analyses during excavation projects. These analyses are closely related with displacements in tunnel contours. The ground reaction curve is a powerful tool to characterize these displacements that is widely used in Continue reading
SME Entry Strategy in Foreign Markets (Management Project)
The internationalization of firms in is an occurrence increasing in a rapid pace and during the last 20 years firms have changed their orientation from domestic to international. Geographical expansion is interesting to view from a single firm’s standpoint since it provides Continue reading
Workload Model based Dynamic Adaptation of Social Internet of Vehicles (Electrical/Electronics Project)
Social Internet of Things (SIoT) has gained much interest among different research groups in recent times. As a key member of a smart city, the vehicular domain of SIoT (SIoV) is also undergoing steep development. In the SIoV, vehicles work as sensor-hub to Continue reading
Intelligent Kernel of Emotions – IKE (Computer Project)
Ever since the creation of the first computers, humans have pondered the possibility of a computer capable of human-like thought and reason. Many sci-fi authors have explored the possibilities and consequences of a sentient computer Continue reading
Energy Saving Curtain: Energy Inventory And Conservation Possibilities (Mechanical Project)
This paper presents the energy saving curtains, in order to make the consumers be more aware of the energy efficiency of the energy saving curtains, the paper gave related analysis and Continue reading
Analysis of Response of Flexible Pavements using Finite Element Method (Civil Project)
The characteristic response of flexible pavements under traffic load depict a delayed lateral strain relaxation (Viscoelasticity), a phenomenon that may be more accurately and expeditiously analysed using finite element (FE) viscoelastic response Continue reading
Increasing the Performance of SMEs in Supply Chains of Large Enterprises: A SME Perspective (Management Project)
This thesis aims at investigating how the supply chain management (SCM) practices of large enterprises (LEs) are utilized on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This has been Continue reading