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A Routing Protocol based on Energy and Link Quality for Internet of Things Applications (Electrical/Electronics Project)


The Internet of Things (IoT) is attracting considerable attention from the universities, industries, citizens and governments for applications, such as healthcare, environmental monitoring and smart buildings. IoT enables network connectivity between Continue reading

Integrated Semantics Service Platform for the Internet of Things: A Case Study of a Smart Office (Electronics/Electrical Project)


The Internet of Things (IoT) allows machines and devices in the world to connect with each other and generate a huge amount of data, which has a great potential to provide useful knowledge across service domains. Combining the context of IoT Continue reading

A Method for Detecting Resident Space Objects and Orbit Determination Based on Star Trackers and Image Analysis (Mechanical Project)


Satellites commonly use onboard digital cameras, called star trackers. A star tracker determines the satellite’s attitude, i.e. its orientation in space, by comparing star positions with databases of star patterns. In this thesis, I investigate the Continue reading

RAZOR: A Compression and Classification Solution for the Internet of Things (Electrical/Electronics Project)


The Internet of Things is expected to increase the amount of data produced and exchanged in the network, due to the huge number of smart objects that will interact with one another. The related information management and transmission costs Continue reading