“GSM based Control System” implements the emerging applications of the GSM technology. Using GSM networks, a control system has been proposed that will act as an embedded system which can monitor and control appliances and other devices locally using built-in input and output peripherals.
Remotely the system allows the user to effectively monitor and control the house/office appliances and equipments via the mobile phone set by sending commands in the form of SMS messages and receiving the appliances status.
The main concept behind the project is receiving the sent SMS and processing it further as required to perform several operations. The type of the operation to be performed depends on the nature of the SMS sent. The principle in which the project is based is fairly simple. First, the sent SMS is stored and polled from the receiver mobile station and then the required control signal is generated and sent to the intermediate hardware that we have designed according to the command received in form of the sent message.

GSM Based Control System
We have selected a particular Nokia mobile set (Nokia 3310) for our project. The messages are sent from the mobile set that contain commands in written form which are then processed accordingly to perform the required task. A microcontroller based system has been proposed for our project. There are several terminologies that are used extensively throughout this project report.
GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications): It is a cellular communication standard. SMS (Short Message Service): It is a service available on most digital mobile phones that permit the sending of short messages (also known as text messaging service).
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>> GSM based Projects for Engineering Students