Voice over IP (VoIP) can be defined as the ability to make phone calls and to send faxes (i.e., to do everything we can do today with the Public Switched Telephone Network, PSTN) over IP−based data networks with a suitable quality of service and potentially a superior cost/benefit ratio.
There is a desire to provide (VoIP) with the suitable security without effecting the performance of this technology. This becomes even more important when VoIP utilizes wireless technologies as the data networks (such as Wireless Local Area Networks, WLAN), given the bandwidth and other constraints of wireless environments, and the data processing costs of the security mechanisms. As for many other (secure) applications, we should consider the security in Mobile VoIP as a chain, where every link, from the secure establishment to the secure termination of a call, must be secure in order to maintain the security of the entire process.
This document presents a solution to these issues, providing a secure model for Mobile VoIP that minimizes the processing costs and the bandwidth consumption. This is mainly achieved by making use of high− throughput, low packet expansion security protocols (such as the Secure Real−Time Protocol, SRTP); and high−speed encryption algorithms (such as the Advanced Encryption Standard, AES).
In the study I describe in detail the problem and its alternative solutions. I also describe in detail the selected solution and the protocols and mechanisms this solution utilizes, such as the Transport Layer Security (TLS) for securing the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), the Real−Time Protocol (RTP) profile Secure Real−Time Protocol (SRTP) for securing the media data transport , and the Multimedia Internet KEYing (MIKEY) as the key−management protocol. Moreover, an implementation of SRTP, called MINIsrtp, is also provided. The oral presentation will provide an overview of these topics, with an in depth examination of those parts which were the most significant or unexpectedly difficult.

Secure Mobile Voice over IP
Regarding my implementation, evaluation, and testing of the model, this project in mainly focused on the security for the media stream (SRTP). However, thorough theoretical work has also been performed and will be presented, which includes other aspects, such as the establishment and termination of the call (using SIP) and the key−management protocol (MIKEY).
Source: KTH
Author: Abad Caballero, Israel Manuel
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