The purpose of this thesis is to investigate and analyze the implementation process of KANBAN, a lean technique, into a section of Continue reading
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Baseband Implementation and Performance Analysis of the Multiband OFDM UWB System (Electronics Project)
In this study, we follow the standard proposal IEEE 802.12.3a to implement the MB-OFDM UWB system in C programming language. We also analyze the system performance in the Continue reading
Online Cinema Ticket Booking System in ASP.Net (Computer Project)
This cinema ticket booking is a faster, cleaner and a tad more personal website, specially designed to make Continue reading
Design of a Pivotally Tool Holder (Mechanical Project)
Ljunghäll AB in Södra Vi has many industrial robots in their casting production. These robots have a tendency to wear out. The purpose with this study was to design a toolholder that was able flip to a 90 degree angle to get a Continue reading
Characterization of Delayed Ettringite Formation in Maryland Bridges (Civil Project)
The research investigated the significance of Delayed Ettringite Formation (DEF) presences in the Maryland Bridge Inventory. The objective of the research included investigating possible presence of Continue reading
A Study on Re-organizations in the Swedish Public Sector: Are Employees in on Change? (Management Project)
The constantly evolving external environment forces organizations to realise organizational change to stay competitive. This kind of change now also occurs to a wider extent in public organizations which are Continue reading
Design of Behavior Classifying and Tracking System with Sonar (Electronics Project)
The domain below the surface in maritime security is hard to monitor with conventional methods, due to the often very noisy environment. In conventional methods the measurements are thresholded in order to distinguish potential targets. This is not always Continue reading
Detection of Cancer in Human Blood Sample based on Microscopic Images (Computer/Biomedical Project)
At the moment, identification of blood disorders is through visual inspection of microscopic images of blood cells. From the identification of blood disorders, it can lead to Continue reading
Transverse Thermoelectric Effects for Cooling and Heat Flux Sensing (Mechanical Project)
While thermoelectric technology has developed steadily over the last 50 years, transverse thermoelectrics have generally been ignored in the industrial and commercial uses of thermoelectric devices to date. Continue reading
An Alignment Optimization Model for a Simple Highway Network (Civil Project)
A new highway addition to an existing road network is typically considered for improving traffic performance in that road network. However, finding the new highway that best improves the Continue reading
Implementation of an IT based Marketing information system in a high tech company (Management Project)
Aim: The aim of this study has been to try to answer the question of how an IT based marketing information system support the formation of Continue reading
Simulation with VHDL and Code Generation (Electronics Project)
SyncSim is a simulator framework capable of loading different simulator modules. It is used today with a module that simulates hardware models described with Java. This simulator module is used together with a model of Continue reading