This cinema ticket booking is a faster, cleaner and a tad more personal website, specially designed to make your booking experience better.
Customers may view the contents of any movie show at any time and may book any movie ticket as needed. The program automatically calculates the subtotal and grand total. When a visitor decides to finally book the ticket, the order information including the buyer’s name, address and billing instruction is stored in the database securely and payment has been made.
The combo booking is also provided at the time of booking the ticket and there’s a wonderful facility of delivering the combos at your seat when you are watching the movie.

Online Cinema Ticket Booking System
You need to register a new user whenever you have first visited or site then for future it will be stored in our database permanently and you can book you movie ticket at any time you want with this username and password.
Download Online Cinema Ticket Booking System in ASP.Net
>> List of Projects in JAVA, ASP.Net, C#.Net, VB.Net, J2EE, J2ME, PHP, SQL etc.