The road traffic density is continuously increasing. By the intensive use of automobiles, it comes to considerable difficulties and unpredictable events. The frequency of traffic Continue reading
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Frequency Oriented Scheduling on Parallel Processors (Computer Project)
This study is focused on how to maximize the frequency of the local schedule in order to help the global schedule merge the stream computations better.
Mainly we have following target to achieve: Continue reading
Numerical Prediction of the Cracks Effect on the Square Origami Tube (Mechanical Project)
The energy absorption devices play important roles to reduce injures when the traffic accident happens. As a popular design, Thin-walled tube has been widely used in many industrial productions such as vehicles, ships and Continue reading
Co-created Reputation in a Nonprofit Context: A Mixed-method Study of SACC-DC (Management Project)
Reputation has been the subject of marketing research throughout recent years, and it was found to be an important measure of how organizations are perceived. The theory of co-creation, where organizations Continue reading
Dial over Data solution (Electronics/Telecom Project)
The increased use of computer networks has lead to the adoption of Internet-based solutions for reducing telephony costs. This has proved to be a boon to callers who can reach the other party directly via Continue reading
Designing a User Interface for Web Based Project Management in Film Production (Computer Project)
The aim of this project is to create a user interface for a web based film production project management portal. This implies creating a site map and a functionality specification based on the needs of the people working in the film production industry. The project was made on account of Continue reading
Simulation and Identification Techniques for Floating Structures (Mechanical Project)
The dynamic behaviour of floating structures is studied in this work. These types of structures are normally simplified into spring-mass systems where Continue reading
E-commerce: A study on women’s online purchasing behavior (Management Project)
Purpose: The purpose of this project is to map out the present behavior of women between 40-55 years concerning Internet shopping. Furthermore, the research aims at finding and analyzing factors that might help marketers when Continue reading
Chaos-based Random Number Generator in Finite Precision Environment (ECE/EEE Project)
Yet having a very long history, how to generating good random number sequences still remains as a technical challenge. Although some mechanical ways, such as tossing a coin or rolling a dice, are commonly accepted as good random sources, they are obviously not been able to fulfill the requirements of most of the real-world applications, in which Continue reading
Detection and Extraction of Sky Regions in Digital Images based on Color Classification (Computer Project)
In many applications of image processing there is a need to extract the solid background which it is usually sky for outdoor images. In our application we present this solution. We developed an automatic Continue reading
Design of a Planetary-Cyclo-Drive Speed Reducer (Mechanical Project)
This project has been assigned by SwePart Transmissions AB. It is about calculation and dimensioning, of the elements in a cycloid stage of a speed reducer. Their idea is to use the results from this project and go into production of such reducer to cover another Continue reading
Lean Construction Supply Chain: A Literature Review (Civil Project)
The aim of this study is to enhance the management of supply systems in construction industry using lean principles. This study is an attempt to identify what kind of activities causes’ construction process delay and how to perform lean concept into supply chain in Continue reading