The floods in Indonesia are a big annual problem for the poorest areas along rivers especially in East Java along the Bengawan Solo. The impact is not only on their houses, but their lands, their plantation fields, their animals and also the infrastructure within Continue reading
Get Latest Final Year Projects in your Email
Green Marketing (MBA Project)
What is Green Marketing?
All activities designed to generate and facilitate any exchanges intended to satisfy human needs or wants, such that the satisfaction of these needs and Continue reading
Design & Implementation of Smart House Control Using LabVIEW (Electronics Project)
Smart home is a house that uses information technology to monitor the environment, control the electric appliance and communicates with the outer world. Smart home is a Continue reading
Horus: A WLAN based Indoor Location Determination System (Computer Project)
As ubiquitous computing becomes more popular, the need for context-aware applications increases. The context of an application refers to the Continue reading
A CFD Investigation of a Generic Bump and its application to a Diverterless Supersonic Inlet (Mechanical Project)
This is a study done at the Swedish Defence Research Agency with the purpose to design and investigate how different geometries of a compression surface integrated with an Continue reading
Geogrid Reinforcement of Granular Layers on Soft Clay – A Study at Model and Full Scale (Civil Project)
The mechanisms by which a geogrid acts to reinforce a granular layer over a soft clay were investigated with reference to Continue reading
Asset Purchases and Sales (MBA Finance Project)
This project consists of a theory essay and an empirical essay that investigate a firm’s decision to buy or sell corporate assets. It seeks to answer the following research questions: (1) why do firms choose to buy or sell assets? (2) what makes assets in Continue reading
Multilevel Power Estimation Of VLSI Circuits Using Efficient Algorithms (Electronics Project)
New and complex systems are being implemented using highly advanced Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools. As the complexity increases day by day, the dissipation of power has emerged as one of the very important design constraints. Now Continue reading
Intelligent Motion Planning for a Multi-Robot System (Computer Project)
Multi-robot systems of autonomous mobile robots offer many benefits but also many challenges. This work addresses collision avoidance of robots solving continuous problems in known environments. The approach to handling collision avoidance is here to enhance a motion planning method for Continue reading
Design and Dimensioning of Pressure Vessel for a Marine Substation (Mechanical/Electrical Project)
This project presents the mechanical design and dimensioning of a pressure vessel, which is to be used as housing for a marine substation in a wave power park. A concept for generation of electricity from ocean Continue reading
Opportunities and Difficulties of Long-stay Accommodation in Thailand (Civil Project)
Tourism industry plays an important role in developing countries like Thailand. An accommodation is a key expense of almost every trip, therefore accommodation development need to be taken into account in order to attract target tourists from Continue reading
Public Intermediaries as Key Facilitators of Diffusion (Management Project)
Diffusion of renewable energy technologies(RETs) is an important challenge of the current century. Much of the existing research has put a focus on understanding the diffusion of RETs through the perspective of Continue reading