Visualization is a common need of many researchers, organizations, and projects that collect and use environmental sensor data. Web-based tools can provide screening-level visualization and data analysis functionality for users with Continue reading
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′′How Corporate Governance Affects Strategy of Corporations?” – Lessons From Enron Corporation (Management Project)
Corporate governance is a subject of academic and professional debate. It has and it will continue to be a topic under scrutiny for subsequent Continue reading
Stereo Based Pedestrian Detection for Collision Avoidance Applications (Electronics Project)
Pedestrians are the most vulnerable participants to urban traffic. The first step toward protecting pedestrians is to reliably detect them. We present a new approach for standing and walking Continue reading
Junction based Routing: A Novel Technique for Large Network on Chip Platforms (EEE/ECE Project)
To support communication among hundreds of cores on a chip, on-chip communication must be well organized. In the embedded systems using such a chip, the Continue reading
Optimal Coherent Reconstruction of Unstructured Mesh Sequences with Evolving Topology (Computer Project)
Animated three dimensional geometry has become a natural part in many areas over the last decade. Industries such as games and special effects have pushed the Continue reading
District heating to replace an Electrical Installation (Mechanical Project)
This project has been developed at the company Gavlegardarna. The company owns a large part of the buildings of Gävle and two of them are the objective of the project. Gavlegardana is highly concerned about the Continue reading
Using Photovoltaics to Power Electrochemical Chloride Extraction from Concrete (Civil/Mechanical Project)
Corrosion of embedded steel in reinforced concrete (RC) is a world-wide problem, that reduces structural performance and lifespan. Chloride attack may be a result Continue reading
Human Resource Planning (HRP) (Management Project)
Human Resource Planning (HRP) is a complex subject, particularly at the time of increasingly turbulent business environments delivering far more discontinuities, which increases the tensions between the greater need for planning and the greater difficulties of prediction. Although Continue reading
GSM Based Control System (Electronics Project)
“GSM based Control System” implements the emerging applications of the GSM technology. Using GSM networks, a control system has been proposed that will act as an embedded system which can Continue reading
Design and implementation of application independent easy-to-use game engine (Computer Project)
The objective of this report is to study whether it is possible to create a versatile game engine that can be both application independent and easy to use. In order to study this issue, we have implemented a prototype game engine that supports Continue reading
A model to Translate Customer Expectations into Specification Limits (Mechanical Project)
Today, firms compete with services rather than goods. Large service organizations are beginning to use Six Sigma as continuous improvement tool. An important part of the Six Sigma methodology is the Continue reading
Scent Marketing: What is the impact on stores in Umeå? (Management Project)
The way of consumption has changed. Now, consumers are not only rational when purchasing. They do not buy just for the functionality of the good or service they are looking for. The consumption is more affective and consumers are considered now as Continue reading