During recent years, company scandals and an intensified demand from the public that companies should take social responsibility have increased the importance for companies to work with Continue reading
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Virtual RC Damping of LCL-Filtered Voltage Source Converters With Extended Selective Harmonic Compensation (Electrical Project)
Active damping and harmonic compensation are two common challenges faced by LCL-filtered voltage source converters. To manage them holistically, this paper begins by proposing a virtual RC damper in Continue reading
Library Management System in VB.Net (Computer Project)
This advanced library management system is written using Visual Basic.NET 4.0 and Continue reading
The use of the DWV3 Classification System in Manufacturing Companies for Evaluating a Market-specific Supply Chain Strategy (Mechanical Project)
The research topic of this study is market-specific supply chain strategy, and the research problem is defined as, how manufacturing companies can use the DWV3 classification system to Continue reading
Autonomous Vehicles and Commercial Real Estate (Civil Project)
Hardly a day goes by without the release of a handful of news stories about autonomous vehicles (or AVs for short). The proverbial “tipping point” of awareness has been reached in the public consciousness as AV technology is quickly becoming the Continue reading
Foreign Market Entry Strategy & International Franchising: Doing Business in Morocco (Management Project)
Today’s market environment is increasingly growing due to the economical globalization; with international trade, financial transfers and foreign direct investments the economy is becoming highly interconnected. The advances in communication and transportation technology combined with Continue reading
The Thorvald II Agricultural Robotic System (Electrical/Electronics Project)
This paper presents a novel and modular approach to agricultural robots. Food production is highly diverse in several aspects. Even farms that grow the same crops may differ in topology, infrastructure, production method, and so on. Modular robots help us adapt Continue reading
Payroll Management System Using PHP and MySQL (Computer Project)
Payroll is a method of administering employee’s salaries in an organization. The process consist of calculation of employee salaries and tax deductions, administrating employee Continue reading
Finite Volume Simulation of Fast Transients in a Pipe System (Mechanical Project)
The MUSCL-Hancock finite volume method with different slope limiters has been analyzed in the context of a fast transient flow problem. A derivation and analysis of the axial forces inside a pipe system due to a flow transient is also Continue reading
Earthquake Resistant Wooden House (Civil Project)
Wood-stud shear walls are commonly used to provide lateral stability against horizontal forces in wood houses. Therefore, accurate predictions of the deformation properties of shear walls are Continue reading
Do Investor Capabilities Influence the Interpretation of Entrepreneur Signals? Theory and Testing in the Private Equity Setting (Management Project)
Informing outsiders of the potential and quality of the organization in a way that will benefit the organization and avoid putting it at risk is a challenging task in Continue reading
Automated Mounting of Pole-Shoe Wedges in Linear Wave Power Generators—Using Industrial Robotics and Proximity Sensors (Electrical/Electronics Project)
A system for automatic mounting of high tolerance wedges inside a wave power linear generator is proposed. As for any renewable energy concept utilising numerous smaller generation units, minimising the production cost per unit is vital for commercialization. Continue reading