Employee management system is crucial for smooth running of any organization having a substantial number of employees. It’s a useful tool for human resource department Continue reading
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Vibration Modal Analysis of a Deployable Boom Intergrated to a CubeSat (Mechanical Project)
CubeSat or Cubic Satellite is an effective method to study the space around the Earth thanks to its low cost, easy maintenance and short lead time. However, a great challenge of small satellites lies in achieving Continue reading
Post-EIA Monitoring and WebTAG objectives: A review of selected Road Projects in UK (Civil Project)
Roads are an important part of the infrastructure of any country, as they facilitate the transportation of goods and people. The UK has got a good road network but has a low Continue reading
Market efficiency for two classes of stocks in China: state owned and private companies (Management Project)
The fast-growing economy in China attracts the world’s interests, which includes the Chinese stock markets. The market efficiency of Chinese stock markets is widely discussed by researchers in different approaches. The involvement of government in stock markets is a unique case in Continue reading
On the Impact of Building Attenuation Models in VANET Simulations of Urban Scenarios (Electrical/Electronics Project)
Buildings are important elements of cities for VANETs, since these obstacles may attenuate communications between vehicles. Consequently, the impact of buildings has to be considered as part of the attenuation model in VANET simulations of urban Continue reading
Hospital Management System Using VB.Net and MS Access (Computer Project)
The purpose of the project entitled as “Hospital Management System” is to computerize the Front Office Management of Hospital to develop software which is user Continue reading
Computational Study of the Structure and Mechanical Properties of the Molecular Crystal RDX (Mechanical Project)
Molecular crystals constitute a class of materials commonly used as active pharmaceutical ingredients, energetic and high explosive materials. Like simpler crystalline materials, they possess Continue reading
Green Facility Management in a Shanghai Office Building: A Case Study of the “Asia Building” (Civil Project)
This paper aims to explore how well green facility management has performed in Shanghai office building and finds the possible way to Continue reading
Barriers in Launching New Products: A Comparative Study of Swedish B2B Companies (Management Project)
The marketplace in the 21st century is intense and highly competitive. Customers have a great variety of products and services to choose from, therefor gaining competitive advantage is crucial for a company´s survival. Companies cannot rely on previous Continue reading
Sending Safety Video over WiMAX in Vehicle Communications (Electrical/Electronics Project)
This paper reports on the design of an OPNET simulation platform to test the performance of sending real-time safety vi deo over VANET (Vehicular Adhoc NETwork) using the WiMAX technology. To provide a more realistic environment for streaming Continue reading
Student Management System in JAVA with Source Code Download (Computer Project)
A student management system (also known as a student information system or SIS) helps a school manage data, communications, and scheduling.
A school system generates and uses a large amount of data. Continue reading
Wake Measurements Behind An Array Of Two Model Wind Turbines (Mechanical Projects)
During the last decades the exploitation of energy from the wind has become one of the most promising renewable energy technologies. The main strive in today’s Continue reading