This study has been conducted as a Minor Field Study (MFS) and focuses on the electrification process of Rayal, a remote village in the Far Western Development Region of Nepal. The purpose of the study was to Continue reading
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Investing in commercial real estate: An analysis of the purchasing power in Stockholm’s retail areas (Civil Project)
The interest in investing in commercial real estate has increased in recent years and as a result the need for making well informed investment decisions has increased as well. Investing in real estate is different from investing in other asset classes due to its Continue reading
Internal Organizational Communication in a Crisis Context: the Influence of Generation Gap (Management Project)
Nowadays crisis management is a major topic for all organizations. Both external and internal communication can play critical roles in coping with organizational crisis. Compared to external communication, there is a lack of consideration Continue reading
SVANET: A Smart Vehicular Ad Hoc Network for Efficient Data Transmission with Wireless Sensors (Electrical/Electronics Project)
Wireless sensors can sense any event, such as accidents, as well as icy roads, and can forward the rescue/warning messages through intermediate vehicles for any necessary help. In this paper, we propose a smart vehicular ad hoc network (SVANET) architecture Continue reading
Augmented Robotics Dialog System for Enhancing Human–Robot Interaction (Computer Project)
Augmented reality, augmented television and second screen are cutting edge technologies that provide end users extra and enhanced information related to certain events in real time. This enriched information helps users better understand such events, Continue reading
Performance Model of a very high Bypass Ratio Counter Rotating Turbo Fan Engine (Mechanical Project)
Nowadays Snecma focuses on new engine architectures in order to meet the future demands in civil aviation. One of these considered concepts is aircrafts powered by Continue reading
The Role of Urban Villages in China: Case study from Shenzhen (Civil Project)
Concerning the role of urban village in the rental market, early renewal damages the immigration of the lower income groups, thus affect the supply of the Continue reading
Globalization Strategies of Chinese Companies (Management Project)
Globalization has been an established term academically for two decades; research within this field has expanded from globalization of markets to globalization of culture, trade, finance, of almost anything, in accordance with the Continue reading
IEEE 802.15.4 Frame Aggregation Enhancement to Provide High Performance in Life-Critical Patient Monitoring Systems (Electrical/Electronics Project)
In wireless body area sensor networks (WBASNs), Quality of Service (QoS) provision for patient monitoring systems in terms of time-critical deadlines, high throughput and energy efficiency is a challenging task. The periodic data from these systems generates Continue reading
Innovative User Interfaces in the Industrial Domain (Computer Project)
The goal of this study is to explore how the HMI of a process control system can be improved by applying modern interaction technologies. Many new interaction possibilities are arising on Continue reading
Life Consumption Monitoring for Electronics (Mechanical Project)
Life consumption monitoring is a method to assess product’s reliability based on its remaining life in a given life cycle environment. The life consumption monitoring process involves Continue reading
Modelling the Emerging Pollutant Di-Clofenac With the Greater Model: Application to the Llobregat River Basin (Civil Project)
Water from the Llobregat is used to supply a significant part of the city of Barcelona. At the same time, 60 wastewater treatment plants discharge into Continue reading