Working capital management refers to the administration of all aspects of current assets, namely cash, marketable securities, debtors and stock (inventories) and current liabilities. The financial manager must determine Continue reading
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A High-Speed Clockless Serial Link Transceiver (Electrical/Electronics Project)
We present a high-speed, clockless, serial link transceiver for inter-chip communication in asynchronous VLSI systems. Continue reading
Gold Standard Website (Computer Project)
The aim of this project is to design a web base system which provides functionality of comparison between two java files on the basis of point-to information (P2I). User will upload Java files and analysis of Java files called point-to analysis (P2A). System will store Continue reading
Elasto-hydrodynamic Lubrication in Spur Gear and Helical Gear Contacts (Mechanical Project)
The gears in a transmission are lubricated to prevent their premature failure as a result of pitting and wear on the tooth surfaces. Furthermore, the lubricant also limits the rise in surface temperature of Continue reading
Controlling Parameters for Normal and Shear Behaviour of Rock Fractures – A Study of Direct Shear Test Data from SKB (Civil Project)
The deep mining and civil engineering industry need to perform rock stability analyses during excavation projects. The stability is mainly controlled by the shear strength of the Continue reading
Sales Promotion in Magnanim Systems (MBA Project)
This project is intended to determine the sales increase, purchasing behavior of the customer, product competitor and market potential.
Primarily the well defined objectives are framed according to the study. Then questionnaire is prepared based on the defined objectives. The prepared questionnaire is Continue reading
Adaptation in Standard CMOS Processes with Floating Gate Structures and Techniques (Electronics Project)
We apply adaptation into ordinary circuits and systems to achieve high performance, high quality results. Mismatch in manufactured VLSI devices has been Continue reading
Development and integration of a control system for flexible grippers (Computer/Robotics Project)
Various robotic grippers support or even replace human beings on particular tasks, for example, different industrial applications. However, in some cases complex tasks are required and specifications of the industrial gripper should be more advanced. The adjustment for Continue reading
Effective Use of Excess Heat in a Cement Plant (Mechanical Project)
The report investigates the feasibility of accessing waste heat at kiln 7 in the Cementa AB cement plant in Slite, Gotland. The background is provided, with a description of the Continue reading
Triaxial Testing of Lime/cement Stabilized Clay (Civil Project)
This project presents results from a laboratory study on a clay from Enköping which was stabilized with lime and clay. Isotropic consolidated undrained compressive tests were Continue reading
Is Retirement Something for Students? (Management Project)
The concept of pension saving is a well-known phenomenon, but the underlying meaning of what this concept really means is not as known. This explorative study is conducted to contribute to Continue reading
Design of Millimeter-wave SiGe Frequency Doubler and Output Buffer for Automotive Radar Applications (Electrical / Electronics Project)
Automotive Radars have introduced various functions on automobiles for driver’s safety and comfort, as part of the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) including Continue reading