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Investigation of Film Cooling Strategies CFD versus Experiments-Potential for Using Reduced Models (Mechanical Project)

The ability and efficiency of today’s gas turbine engines are highly dependent on development of cooling technologies, among which film cooling is one of the most important. Investigations have been conducted towards discovering different aspects of film cooling, utilizing both Continue reading

Design of a Voice Recorder using ADC Microcontroller

The C8051F411 offers a versatile, small (5 x 5 mm), highly integrated, low-power solution for voice applications. The 12-bit ADC and DAC allow for reasonable quality sound at a 8 kHz sampling rate, and the Hardware Accumulation and Burst Mode features of the ADC provide for further improvements with small processing tradeoffs. Continue reading

Cluster Control of a Multi-Robot Tracking Network and Tracking Geometry Optimization (Mechanical Project)

The position of a moving object can be tracked in numerous ways, the simplest of which is to use a single static sensor. However, the information from a single sensor cannot be verified and may not be reliable without performing multiple measurements of the Continue reading