Nowadays a vast amount of data is generated in Extensible Markup Language (XML). However, it is necessary for applications in some domains to store and manipulate uncertain information, e.g. when the sensor inputs are Continue reading
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Investigation of Film Cooling Strategies CFD versus Experiments-Potential for Using Reduced Models (Mechanical Project)
The ability and efficiency of today’s gas turbine engines are highly dependent on development of cooling technologies, among which film cooling is one of the most important. Investigations have been conducted towards discovering different aspects of film cooling, utilizing both Continue reading
Behavior and Analysis of an Instrumented Slab Bridge (Civil Project)
Because of quick construction and cost effectiveness, adjacent precast, prestressed box girder bridges have been used nowadays more often for Continue reading
Commuter Shopping (Management Project)
For ages people have commuted to work, or to other activities, located outside their home municipality. Statements found indicate that the basic decision for commuting are based on utility maximisation and no matter what the Continue reading
Design of a Voice Recorder using ADC Microcontroller
The C8051F411 offers a versatile, small (5 x 5 mm), highly integrated, low-power solution for voice applications. The 12-bit ADC and DAC allow for reasonable quality sound at a 8 kHz sampling rate, and the Hardware Accumulation and Burst Mode features of the ADC provide for further improvements with small processing tradeoffs. Continue reading
Adaptive Workflow Scheduling for Dynamic Grid and Cloud Computing Environment (Computer Project)
Effective scheduling is a key concern for the execution of performance-driven grid applications such as workflows. In this paper, we first define the Continue reading
Comparison of different Line Source Model approaches for analysis of Thermal Response Test in a U-pipe Borehole heat Exchanger (Mechanical Project)
Ground Source Heat Pumps (GHSPs) is a relevant application and around 3 million installations are setting up at the beginning of 2010 (IEA ECES Annex 21). The improvements in GSHPs are currently focused on the optimization of the system and the reduction of Continue reading
A Study of Optimizing the Processing Time for Building Permits (Civil Project)
There are rules in urban development and the construction industry, which encourages organizations to work according to standards and approved codes. For example: it is required by law for all property owners to Continue reading
Optimized Power Control for CDMA System using Channel Prediction (Electronics Project)
In an optimal power control scheme for a Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) system all mobile stations signals should arrive to the base station at equal power. If not, stronger singals may cause Continue reading
Propagating Degrees of Truth on an Argumentation Framework (Computer Project)
This paper proposes a computational framework to reason with conflicting and gradual evidence. The framework is a synthesis of Dung’s seminal work in argumentation semantics with multi-valued logic. Abstract grounded semantics is Continue reading
Cluster Control of a Multi-Robot Tracking Network and Tracking Geometry Optimization (Mechanical Project)
The position of a moving object can be tracked in numerous ways, the simplest of which is to use a single static sensor. However, the information from a single sensor cannot be verified and may not be reliable without performing multiple measurements of the Continue reading
The Impact of BIM/VDC on ROI: Developing a Financial Model for Savings and ROI Calculation of Construction Projects (Civil Project)
Building Information Modeling (BIM) or Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) recently has been regarded as crucial by the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry. The use of Continue reading