Current state of the art intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS) are signature-based systems that detect threats and Continue reading
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Update of a Externally Fired Micro Turbine (EFMT) for residential micro combined Heat and Power (Mechanical Project)
Nowadays it is necessary a new approach in the society, more focused on getting a sustainable behavior and development in a global environment. Today, it is accepted by most of the scientific community that the global warming is more and more enhanced by Continue reading
Bearing Capacity Analysis and Design of Highway Base Materials Reinforced with Geofabrics (Civil Project)
The primary objective of this study was to develop and implement mathematical bearing capacity models originally proposed by Hopkins (1988, 1991) and Slepak and Hopkins (1993; 1995). These advanced models, which are based on Continue reading
An Exploratory Study of Project Selection in Donor Funded Development Programme (Management Project)
International Development Programmes (IDPs) are United Nations‘ (UN) and developed countries‘ initiatives to develop world‘s least developed countries. IDPs significantly vary from Continue reading
Identification of Critical Locations and Reduced Model State Estimation for Power System Analysis (Electrical Project)
In order to reduce the carbon footprint and the cost of electric energy, the owners of electric power utilities today are faced with the task of reducing the use of expensive and carbon intensive fossil fuels and significantly increasing the Continue reading
A Techno-economic Analysis of a Residential Solar Photovoltaic System (Mechanical Project)
With environmental concerns and energy needs increasing, many regions in the world are promoting renewable energy technologies making use of various policy instruments. Although today the PV systems price is decreasing, which gives it a Continue reading
Impacts of Using Crushed Rocks in Concrete (Civil Project)
Concrete in Sweden has traditionally been manufactured with natural aggregate from glaciofluvial eskers. There is a need to preserve the remaining eskers because of their cultural value and importance for water filtration, thus natural aggregate has to be Continue reading
Internal Team Leadership: An Examination of Leadership Roles, Role Structure, and Member Outcomes (Management Project)
Effective leadership is widely considered a critical ingredient of team success, and some scholars have argued that abdication of leadership in any team is a recipe for failure. However, much of the existing research on team leadership has Continue reading
Design and Implementation of an Ion Beam Profiling System (Electronics Project)
The work describes the development of a reliable device for profiling anion beam in the intensity cross section. A sensor head consisting of a Faraday cup in combination with a Channel Electron Multiplier was designed and built together with Continue reading
Utilizing web standards for cross platform mobile development (Computer Project)
This project has taken part as an experimental development within the Learning Ecology through Science with Global Outcomes project. It introduces the area of cross platform mobile application development and provides a possible solution for tackling the Continue reading
A New Method for Robust Route Optimization in Ensemble Weather Forecasts (Mechanical Project)
This paper presents a new dynamic programming method for multi-objective route optimization of ships. The method, which is an extension of the known Dijkstra’s algorithm, uses the concept of Continue reading
The planning for biofuels: China’s dilemma (Civil Project)
A current discussion of winner and loser is the issue of low-carbon development toward sustainability. Biofuel, as granted an important role to curtail the carbon emission and secure energy supply, has been also involved in Continue reading