The random nature of ion implantation and diffusion processes as well as inevitable tolerances in fabrication result in random fluctuations of doping concentrations and oxide thickness in semiconductor devices. These fluctuations are Continue reading
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A MOD Player for GBA (Computer Project)
This bachelor project describes the development of a MOD music player to run on GBA (Game Boy Advance) for Lypson Game Engine. GBA is a basic platform for embedded development, and the stereo system makes it possible to use the platform as a Continue reading
Nutrient Driven Topology Optimization (Mechanical Project)
The aim of this study is to investigate how a biological structure changes its shape and boundary under different cases of load if flow of nutrients is included, since nutrient flow has not been taken into account in Continue reading
Corrosion Resistance of Weathering Steels (Civil Project)
To reduce both the initial and the maintenance painting costs, engineers in many states have increasingly been designing bridges made of bare, exposed Continue reading
Charting the Growth of Entrepreneurship: A Citation Analysis of FER Content, 1981–2008 (Management Project)
This research analyses the authors, topics and institutions included in Frontiers Entrepreneurship Research and describes the inter relationships Continue reading
Strategies And Techniques For Fabricating MEMS Bistable Thermal Actuators (Electrical Project)
Bistable elements are beginning to appear in the field of MEMS as they allow engineers to design sensors and actuators which require no electrical power and possess mechanical memory. This research focuses on the development of Continue reading
System Integrity for Smartphones: A security evaluation of iOS and BlackBerry OS (Computer Project)
Smartphones are one of the most popular technology gadgets on the market today. The number of devices in the world is growing incredibly fast and they have today taken an important place in Continue reading
Elastic Buckling Behavior of Plate and Tubular Structures (Mechanical Project)
The study of buckling behavior of tubular and cellular structures has been an intriguing area of research in the field of solid mechanics. Unlike the global Euler buckling of slender structures under compressive loads, tubular and cellular structures deform with their walls buckling as Continue reading
Thermal Mass, Night Cooling and Hollow Core Ventilation System as Energy Saving Strategies in Buildings (Civil Project)
The entire history of shelter engineering shows the man’s ability to find adequate building designs to maintain indoor thermal conditions to which man could be best adapted, depending on the climatic conditions and available materials. Despite that these aspects Continue reading
Digitally Segregated Understanding Technology Readiness in Preparation for Higher Education Success (Management Project)
The Digital Divide is the gulf between those that have access and use of technology and those that do not. The Digital Divide is a multilayered issue Continue reading
Implementation of Pipelined Bit-parallel Adders (Electronics Project)
Bit-parallel addition can be performed using a number of adder structures with different area and latency. However, the power consumption of different adder structures is not Continue reading
Design and Implementation of the MMS Portal (Electronics/Computer Project)
MMS-enabled terminals on the market today are very complicated to use. It takes several steps to create a multi-slide MMS-message with images and text. This discourages users Continue reading