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Assessing the Preparedness of Small and Medium-sized Entities in Sweden: to Adopt International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) for Small and Medium-sized Entities (SMEs) (Management Project)

SMEs serve as a backbone to keep an economy going and to boost it up in times of difficult hours like recession, for example. They are considered as the main source of modernization, innovation and entrepreneurial spirit. Like rest of Europe, 99% of enterprises are Continue reading

Design of PM Generator for Avertical Axis Wind Turbine (Electrical/Electronics Project)

The task in this project is to design a generator for a vertical axis wind turbine with power rated to 20kW at a wind speed of 10m/s. The design has just a few moving parts, which decreases maintenance costs and increases its toughness. The turbine absorbs wind from Continue reading

RFID Technology for IOT-based Personal Healthcare in Smart Spaces (Electronics/Biomedical Project)


The current evolution of the traditional medical model toward the participatory medicine can be boosted by the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm involving sensors (environmental, wearable, and  implanted) spread inside domestic Continue reading

Semi-Empiric Algorithm for Assessment of the Vehicle Mobility (Mechanical Project)

The mobility of military vehicles plays a key role in operation. The ability to reach the desired area in war theatre represents the most important condition for a successful accomplishment of the mission for military vehicles. The offroad vehicles face a broad spectrum of terrains to cross. These terrains differ by geometry and the soil characteristics. Continue reading

The Role of Leadership In Organizatinal Change: Relating the successful Organizational Change with Visionary and Innovative Leadership (Management Project)

The globalization has converted the world into a small global village; a village in which there is an ever high stream of contentions and competitions between organizations. In this scenario the most effective and beneficial maneuver for any organization is to Continue reading

Object-Oriented Modelling of a Wind Power Plant in Modelica and Analysis of Loads on Blade Bearings (Mechanical Project)

Within this study a strongly simplified yet complete, component-based numerical model for load analysis of a horizontal wind turbine is built up. The model is written in the open-source, object-orientated and equation-based modelling language Modelica and designed in Continue reading