Today, more and more embedded hardware devices are reaching the market and consumers with a demand for smaller and better devices than yesterday. Increasing the performance of a device decreases the operating time since Continue reading
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Interacting with command and control systems: Tools for operators and designers (Computer Project)
Command and control is central in all distributed tactical operations such as rescue operations and military operations. It takes place in a complex system of humans and artefacts, striving to reach common goals. The command and control complexity springs from Continue reading
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Mechanical Deformation Behavior of Face-Centered Cubic Metallic Nanowires (Mechanical Project)
Nanoscale materials have become an active area of research due to the enhanced mechanical properties of the nanomaterials in comparison to their respective bulk materials. The effect that the size and shape of a Continue reading
3D-visualization of fairway margins, vessel hull versus depth data (Civil Project)
Fledermaus is software where different kind of analysis with spatial data can be done. The main area where to use Fledermaus is related to hydrographical surveys. This study is aimed to test and analyse the way Swedish Maritime Continue reading
Expansion on the Domestic Market for Fresh Products, A Freight Forwarder’s Perspective (Management Project)
Increasing competition on a global scale is forcing companies to rethink their strategies concerning their supply chains, launch new products and services, increase customer service oriented activities. When launching a new product on a new or an existing market it is crucial to Continue reading
The Memec Hexapod Robot: a demonstration platform (Robotics Project)
This project shows how to replace a microcontroller unit (MCU) on a six legged robot,involving adapting hardware and developing software. The robot is based on the mechanics from Lynx motion’s Phoenix Hexapod Robot, which is a Continue reading
Military Aviation Incident Reporting from an HTO Perspective (Mechanical Project)
The purpose of this study is to find out if the Swedish Air Force and the military aviation industry, Saab Aerosystems, use an HTO perspective in Continue reading
Strategic Municipal Energy Planning – Examining Current Practice in Sweden (Civil Project)
The Swedish Act on Municipal Energy Planning was written in 1977 in a time of energy crisis and requires each municipality to have a plan for rational supply and Continue reading
The Leverage Buyout process in Private equity: theoretical exploration and comparison (Management Project)
The Private equity industry is receiving a lot of attention in the daily news. The Private equity firms are acquiring other companies through a Leverage buyout transaction (LBO). The ownership period is short with an average ownership of five to seven years. The business strategy of the PE firms is only focusing on Continue reading
Cryptography using Artificial Neural Networks (Electronics Project)
A Neural Network is a machine that is designed to model the way in which the brain performs a task or function of interest. It has the ability to perform complex computations with ease. The objective of this project was to investigate the use of ANNs in Continue reading
Super-modular Textures: Comparisons in Practical Applications (Computer Project)
The purpose of this study is to compare the products of two different work flows in a practical environment. The work flows in question are those of building environments using super-modular textures versus the more conventional method of unique textures. The Continue reading
Optimal Control of Hybrid Systems, with Application to Vehicle Dynamics (Mechanical Project)
Hybrid dynamical systems are common throughout the physical and computer world, and they consist of dynamical systems that contain both continuous time and discrete time dynamics. Examples of this type of system include Continue reading