Plant breeding and the development of new food production depend on accurate measurement of different phenotypes (observable physical traits) of a plant. The plant phenotypes play a very important role in the Continue reading
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Computer Projects
IOT Based Smart Farming System (Computer/Electronics Project)
Farming is a major input sector for economic development of any country. Livelihood of majority of population of the country like India depends on agriculture. In this project, it is proposed to develop a Smart Farming Continue reading
Design and Development of Android based Attendance Management System (Computer Project)
Now a days, it is highly possible to adapt mobile computing in various applications. The portability, open source nature of smart phones and android development platform has made the development of application software for various Continue reading
Distributed University Registration Database System using Oracle 9i (Computer Project)
In database and information systems, increasing attention has been focused lately on parallel and distributed database systems. The future of large database systems lies into the realm of distributed computing. The main reason for this is that Continue reading
Web Based Student Information Management System using HTML & SQL (Computer Project)
Student Information Management System (SIMS) provides a simple interface for maintenance of student information. It can be used by educational institutes or colleges to maintain the records of students easily. The creation and Continue reading
Database Management Systems using SQL, MySQL (Computer Project)
Data and information. These two things became leading factors through the past 50 years and during the 20th and 21th century as these concepts play a significant part of our everyday life. As in our society the role of the information is being Continue reading
Anubis: An Attestation Protocol for Distributed Context-Aware Applications (Computer Project)
Sharing sensitive context information among multiple distributed components in mobile environments introduces major security concerns. The distributed sensing, processing and actuating components of these applications Continue reading
Students Fingerprint Attendance System for Faculty of Engineering using PHP & SQL (Computer Project)
A finger-print based attendance system has been established to track students attendance reliably in various sessions through the year. It mainly consists of fingerprint reader connected via Ethernet LAN to PC containing interface through which Continue reading
Online Student Profile Management System in C#.Net (Computer Project)
All the students who are enrolled in Computing and Information Sciences (CIS) major in Kansas State University are required to submit their Program of Study (POS) which t hey manually do by filling in all the necessary details and submit Continue reading
Database Design and Implementation using Visual Basic Microsoft (Computer Project)
In the recent past, a manger of almost any small organization was able to keep track of necessary data by using a manual file system. Such a file system was traditionally composed of a collection of file folders; each properly tagged Continue reading
Selected E-Learning Materials for Mobile Application Development using AngularJS (Computer Project)
The scope of this document is to provide a set of selected electronic learning resources that can be used by students who are assigned to work on a mobile application. The training references provide information, Recommended Continue reading
Online College Portal using .Net & SQL (Computer Project)
Online College Portal (OCP) provides a simple interface for maintenance of student–faculty information. It can be used by educational institutes or colleges to maintain the records of students easily. The creation and management of accurate, update Continue reading