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The Impact of Agile Principles and Practices on Large-scale Software Development Projects: A Multiple-case Study of Two Software Development Projects at Ericsson (Computer Project)

Agile software development methods are often advertised as a contrast to the traditional, plan-driven approach to software development. The reported and argued benefits on software quality, coordination, productivity and other areas are numerous. The base of Continue reading

LabVIEW™ Database Interfacing For Robotic Control (Computer Project)

The Zymark™ System is a lab automation workstation that uses the Caliper Life Sciences (Hopkinton, MA) Zymate XP robot. At Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, a Zymate is used in a course, INFO I510 Data Acquisition and Laboratory Automation, to demonstrate the fundamentals of laboratory robotics. This robot has been Continue reading

Industrial Internet of Things-based Collaborative Sensing Intelligence: Framework and Research Challenges (Computer Project)


The development of an efficient and cost-effective solution to solve a complex problem (e.g., dynamic detection of toxic gases) is an important research issue in the industrial applications of the Internet of Things (IoT). An industrial intelligent Continue reading

A GSM, WSN and Embedded Web Server Architecture for Internet based Kitchen Monitoring System (Electronics/Computer Project)


The design and development of a smart monitoring and controlling system for kitchen environment in real time has been reported in this paper. The system principally monitors kitchen environment parameters such as light intensity, room Continue reading

IoT-Based Occupancy Monitoring Techniques for Energy-Efficient Smart Buildings (Electrical/Computer Project)


With the proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices such as smartphones, sensors, cameras, and RFIDs, it is possible to collect massive amount of data for localization and tracking of people within commercial buildings. Enabled by such Continue reading