Agile software development methods are often advertised as a contrast to the traditional, plan-driven approach to software development. The reported and argued benefits on software quality, coordination, productivity and other areas are numerous. The base of Continue reading
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Computer Projects
Multi-View Video Transmission over the Internet (Computer Project)
3D television using multiple views rendering is receiving increasing interest. In this technology a number of video sequences are Continue reading
Designing a Better Touch Keyboard (Computer Project)
The growing market of smartphone and tablet devices has made touch screens a big part of how people interact with technology today. The standard virtual keyboard used on these devices is based on the computer keyboard a design Continue reading
DRM – Digital Rights Management (Computer Project)
In recent years, technological developments have led to digital files being more easily distributed, for example through Napster (a file sharing service on the Internet). In order to manage and control the distribution Continue reading
A Trust Model for Vehicular Network-based Incident Reports (Computer Project)
Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle-to- Infrastructure (V2I) networks are ephemeral, short-duration wireless networks that have the potential to improve the overall driving experience through the exchange of information Continue reading
LabVIEW™ Database Interfacing For Robotic Control (Computer Project)
The Zymark™ System is a lab automation workstation that uses the Caliper Life Sciences (Hopkinton, MA) Zymate XP robot. At Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, a Zymate is used in a course, INFO I510 Data Acquisition and Laboratory Automation, to demonstrate the fundamentals of laboratory robotics. This robot has been Continue reading
Sensing in the Collaborative Internet of Things (Computer Project)
We are entering a new era of computing technology, the era of Internet of Things (IoT). An important element for this popularization is the large use of off-the-shelf sensors. Most of those sensors will be deployed by different owners, generally Continue reading
Industrial Internet of Things-based Collaborative Sensing Intelligence: Framework and Research Challenges (Computer Project)
The development of an efficient and cost-effective solution to solve a complex problem (e.g., dynamic detection of toxic gases) is an important research issue in the industrial applications of the Internet of Things (IoT). An industrial intelligent Continue reading
A GSM, WSN and Embedded Web Server Architecture for Internet based Kitchen Monitoring System (Electronics/Computer Project)
The design and development of a smart monitoring and controlling system for kitchen environment in real time has been reported in this paper. The system principally monitors kitchen environment parameters such as light intensity, room Continue reading
IoT-Based Occupancy Monitoring Techniques for Energy-Efficient Smart Buildings (Electrical/Computer Project)
With the proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices such as smartphones, sensors, cameras, and RFIDs, it is possible to collect massive amount of data for localization and tracking of people within commercial buildings. Enabled by such Continue reading
Point-n-Press: An Intelligent Universal Remote Control System for Home Appliances (Computer Project)
With numerous connected devices and appliances, the smart home is one of the representative fields of Internet of Things (IoT). As the complexity of devices/appliances increase, numerous buttons (sometimes dozens) are designed on Continue reading
A Cyber-Physical System for Environmental Monitoring (Computer Project)
This paper presents the development of a cyber- physical system that monitors the environmental conditions or the ambient conditions in indoor spaces at remote locations. The communication between the system’s components is Continue reading