This study proposes and evaluates an average consensus scheme for wireless sensor networks. For this purpose, two communication error models, the fading signal error model and approximated fading signal error model, are introduced and incorporated into the proposed decentralized Continue reading
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Computer Projects
Requirements Engineering Process Maturity Model for Market Driven Projects: The REPM-M Model (Computer Project)
Several software projects are over budgeted or have to face failures during operations. One big reason of this is Software Company develops wrong software due to wrong interpretation of Continue reading
Java Applications for A Bluetooth Platform (Computer Project)
The proliferation of sophisticated electronic devices and growth of computer networking have provided motivation for the development of Bluetooth standard. This short range wireless technology allows different types of consumer devices, ranging from mobile phones to Continue reading
Predicting Software Test Effort in Iterative Development Using a Dynamic Bayesian Network (Computer Project)
It is important to manage iterative projects in a way to maximize quality and minimize cost. To achieve high quality, accurate project estimates are of high importance. It is challenging to predict the effort that is required to Continue reading
Fairness-Aware and Privacy-Preserving Friend Matching Protocol in Mobile Social Networks (IEEE Computer Project)
Mobile social networks represent a promising cyber-physical system, which connects mobile nodes within a local physical proximity using mobile smart phones as Continue reading
Can Flight Data Recorder Memory be Stored on the Cloud? (Computer Project)
Flight data recorders (FDRs, or black boxes) generate data that is collected on an embedded memory device. A well-known difficulty with these devices is that the embedded memory device runs out of Continue reading
A Layered Approach for Testing Timing in the Model-based Implementation (Computer Project)
The model-based implementation is to derive an implementation from a model that has been shown to meet requirements. Even though this approach can be used to guarantee that an implementation satisfies functional requirements Continue reading
Linking Abstract Analysis to Concrete Design: A Hierarchical Approach to Verify Medical CPS Safety (Computer Project)
Complex cyber-physical systems are typically hierarchically organized into multiple layers of abstraction in order to manage design complexity and provide verification tractability. Formal reasoning about such systems, therefore, necessarily Continue reading
Contracts made Manifest (Computer Project)
Since Findler and Felleisen (Findler, R. B. & Felleisen, M. 2002) introduced higher-order contracts, many variants have been proposed. Broadly, these fall into two groups: some follow Findler and Felleisen (2002) in using latent contracts, purely Continue reading
Automatic Generation of Web Applications and Management System (Computer Project)
One of the major difficulties in web application design is the tediousness of constructing new web pages from scratch. For traditional web application projects, the web application designers usually design and implement web application projects step by step, in detail.
My project is called “automatic generation of web applications and management system.” Continue reading
Cost Effective Genetic Algorithm for Workflow Scheduling in Cloud Under Deadline Constraint (Computer Project)
Cloud computing is becoming an increasingly admired paradigm that delivers high-performance computing resources over the Internet to solve the large-scale scientific problems, but still it has various challenges that need to be Continue reading
Generating a Normalized Database Using Class Normalization (Computer Project)
Relational databases are the most popular databases used by enterprise applications to store persistent data to this day. It gives a lot of flexibility and efficiency. A process called database normalization helps make sure that the database is free from Continue reading