College Management Software is web enabled software designed to manage the entire Operations of an institution. College Management Software is a simple yet powerful one joint integrated platform that connects all the various departments of an institution like Administration, Account, Student section, Student and many more specialized modules. We have seen over the years that the process of notice boards, important notification about academics has been carried out manually almost across all educational institutions. The process is not only time consuming but also inefficient. Today, we need not to maintain paper based Notice boards.
Also in this system we are going to add the web based technology using which we can get the notifications given by the institutes. Following this thought, we have developed a system based on the concept of web services which is implemented on Android mobile application as well as on PC that communicates with the database residing on a remote server. The Unique ID system provides unique identification numbers to the persons who using this system. UID Number which would not just help the admin to track down individuals, but would make life far easier for users as they would not have to submit multiple documents each time because those will be available and to be used.
The main aim of our project is to develop the application which will be useful in college admission system. As this college management system project includes the admission process of student, starting from when the student takes admission in college in first year till that student completes his course and collect leaving certificate from the college. The requirement of the student is to:
- Login to the system through the first page of the application.
- New student registration after logging into the system.
- View/change his/her details.
- Can get help through the help option to view different features of the system.
- Admin login should be present who can read as well as remove any uploads.
Problem definition
Today all the work at the time of admission of the students is done manually by ink and paper, which is very slow and consuming much efforts and time. It is required to Design of a Computerized Automated Student Admission System, to speed up and make it easy to use system.The administrator would maintain the accounts of the pupil and all authorities related to students are given to admin so all the sections work under the observation of the admin. By reducing those drawbacks we create a web based application for managing the admission of the students.
The main objective of this system is to reduce consumption of time during maintaining records of college admission process. Separate division are provide to maintain record of student and fee details. In other word our college admission process has following objectives:
- Simple database is maintain.
- Easy operation for operator of the system.
- User interfaces are user friendly and attractive.
- It take very less time for operator to get use to with system.
- User must be able to send mails using this system.
- User must be able to join a particular group or leave it at will.
- User must be able to send messages to other users.
- Notices will be circulated easily.

Fig 1. System Architecture
This deals with data flow diagram, detailed flow graph and the design process of the front and back end design of the student information management system.

Fig.2. Detailed Flow Graph
The detailed flow is shown in Fig. 2. The design of the student information management system includes the design of the home page which provides the way for all the students, staff and other user to access the SIMS. Every user of the SIMS has a unique username and password provided by the web master of the college. The home page mainly contains a login form through which a new user can register, or an existing user can login to the system by entering the username and password provided by the web master.
Our College Admission System is online for student. It includes admin, student and office sections. Each section of office is helpful for student like exam, student and account. Experimental result of our College Admission System is student’s admission will be done by online.& notice board application which is based on android is give notification to each section. Each process includes in requirement of our project are going to be fulfilled.
In this way we are going to develop college management system, which is helpful for Reduction in manual work so less manpower required. Students’ records can be accessed within few seconds. Clarity in account section. Our system primarily focuses on building an efficient and user friendly communication system for the educational institutions. And also the student gets notified for current notices in college by the android application developed by us.
Source: IJEDR
Authors: Jadhav Snehal Balasaheb | Supekar Bhagyashri Sitaram | Wakode Vrushali Khushalrao | Vasaikar Nikita Ashok | Mandlik Priyanka Bhausaheb
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