Student Information Management System (SIMS) provides a simple interface for maintenance of student information. It can be used by educational institutes or colleges to maintain the records of students easily. The creation and management of accurate, up-to-date information regarding a students’ academic career is critically important in the university as well as colleges. Student information system deals with all kind of student details, academic related reports, college details, course details, curriculum, batch details, placement details and other resource related details too.
It tracks all the details of a student from the day one to the end of the course which can be used for all reporting purpose, tracking of attendance, progress in the course, completed semesters, years, coming semester year curriculum details, exam details, project or any other assignment details, final exam result and all these will be available through a secure, online interface embedded in the college’s website.
It will also have faculty details, batch execution details, students’ details in all aspects, the various academic notifications to the staff and students updated by the college administration. It also facilitate us explore all the activities happening in the college, Different reports and Queries can be generated based on vast options related to students, batch, course, faculty, exams, semesters, certification and even for the entire college.

Fig.1 Data Flow Diagram
A Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the “flow” of Student Information System. A data flow diagram can also be used for the visualization of Data Processing. DFD shows the interaction between the system and outside entities. This context – level DFD is then “exploded” to show more detail of the system being modelled.
A DFD represents flow of data through a system. Data flow diagrams are commonly used during problem analysis. It views a system as function that transforms the given input into required output. Movement of data through the different transformations or processes in the system are shown in Data Flow Diagram of Fig.1.
HTML is a hypertext markup language which is in reality a backbone of any website. Every website can’t be structured without the knowledge of html. If we make our web page only with the help of html, than we can’t add many of the effective features in a web page, for making a web page more effective we use various platforms such as CSS.

Fig.3 Login form
The system starts with login page where the registered user can enter user name and password to be able to access the system. Fig.3 shows login form which includes registration path also.
This paper assists in automating the existing manual system. This is a paperless work. It can be monitored and controlled remotely. It reduces the man power required. It provides accurate information always. Malpractice can be reduced. All years together gathered information can be saved and can be accessed at any time. The data which is stored in the repository helps in taking intelligent decisions by the management. So it is better to have a Web Based Information Management system. All the stakeholders, faculty and management can get the required information without delay. This system is essential in the colleges/hostels and universities.
Authors: S.R.Bharamagoudar | Geeta R.B | S.G.Totad
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