In the recent past, a manger of almost any small organization was able to keep track of necessary data by using a manual file system. Such a file system was traditionally composed of a collection of file folders; each properly tagged and kept in a filing cabinet. Organization of the data within the file folders was determined by the data’s expected use. Ideally, the content of each file folders where logically related. For example, a file folder in a doctor’s office might contain patient data, one folder for each patient.
Database management system (DBMS)
DBMS is a collection of programs that manages the database structure a controls access to the data stored in the database. The DBMS makes its possible to share the data in the database among multiple application or users. Because the data are the crucial raw material from which information is derived, there are many reasons why DBMSs are important in our information-based.
DBMS Functions
A DBMS perform several important functions guarantee the integrity consistency of the data in the database. Most of these functions are transparent to end users. These functions include
- Data Dictionary Management
- Data Storage Management
- Data Transformation and presentation
- Security Management
- Multi-User Access Control
- Back and Recovery Management
- Data Integrate Management
- Database Access Language (DLL and DML) and application programming interface
- Database Communication Interfaces
Database Models
A database model is a collection of logical construct used to represent the data structure and the data relationships found within the database. Database models can be grouped into two categories: Conceptual Models and implementation model.
Is basically a communized record keeping system that is a system whose overall purpose is to maintain in formation and to take that information available on demand. The benefit of the database system manger (DBMS) appear when multitask processing exist.
In order to preserve the consistency, a transaction must be atomic. Therefore the goal of concurrency control and recovery is to ensure that transactions execute atomically, which means that:
- Each transaction access a shared data without interfering without interfering with other transactions.
- If a transaction terminates normally then all of it’s effect are made permanent, otherwise, it has no effect at all, therefore; there are two types of transaction: _aborted transaction: it’s effect on ram only. _committed: the changes save In DB (on hard disc).
This project dealing with library management in this project database includes many tables, these are:
- Four tables_to save books information, this table is [books, authro, publisher, and book_author].
- One table_ to save the users information and there authorize. this table is[admin].
- One table_ to save the information about borrower. this table is[borrow].
Must be notecible that if the user have the creating student autherize, then this user must have all other autherize.
To log in a program (if the admin table not empty) the log in form will appear Fig (7).
Source: University of Baghdad
Authors: Mohannad Taha | Saad fadhil
>> Computer Engineering Student DBMS Projects using MS Access