Visualization is a common need of many researchers, organizations, and projects that collect and use environmental sensor data. Web-based tools can provide screening-level visualization and data analysis functionality for users with Continue reading
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Tag: Database
An Active Learning Environment in an Integrated Industrial Engineering Curriculum (Management Project)
We are developing a new learning environment that supports a suite of interrelated modules based on real-world scenarios. The primary goals of the project Continue reading
XAP Integration (Computer Project)
This study will present the XAP tool integration project. Apart from presenting the survey of integration techniques that includes integration models and case tool models, we have conducted a comparison of these models. Then we reason about their applicability in the Continue reading
Enhanced Scalable Asynchronous Cache Consistency Scheme for Mobile Environments (Computer Project)
An important technique to reduce the contention on the limited bandwidth of wireless channels between mobile units and base stations is caching frequently accessed Continue reading
RGCA: A Reliable GPU Cluster Architecture for Large-Scale Internet of Things Computing based on Effective Performance-Energy Optimization (Electrical/Electronics Project)
This paper aims to develop a low-cost, high-performance and high-reliability computing system to process large-scale data using common data mining algorithms in the Internet of Things (IoT) computing environment. Considering the characteristics of Continue reading
Automatic Generation of Web Applications and Management System (Computer Project)
One of the major difficulties in web application design is the tediousness of constructing new web pages from scratch. For traditional web application projects, the web application designers usually design and implement web application projects step by step, in detail.
My project is called “automatic generation of web applications and management system.” Continue reading
Generating a Normalized Database Using Class Normalization (Computer Project)
Relational databases are the most popular databases used by enterprise applications to store persistent data to this day. It gives a lot of flexibility and efficiency. A process called database normalization helps make sure that the database is free from Continue reading
A GSM, WSN and Embedded Web Server Architecture for Internet based Kitchen Monitoring System (Electronics/Computer Project)
The design and development of a smart monitoring and controlling system for kitchen environment in real time has been reported in this paper. The system principally monitors kitchen environment parameters such as light intensity, room Continue reading
IoT Based Smart Healthcare Kit (Biomedical Project)
The paper presents the design and implementation of an IOT-based health monitoring system for emergency medical services which can demonstrate collection, integration, and interoperation of IoT data flexibly which can provide support Continue reading
Determination of Plant Architecture and Component Phenotyping Based on Time-lapse Image Analysis (Computer Project)
Plant breeding and the development of new food production depend on accurate measurement of different phenotypes (observable physical traits) of a plant. The plant phenotypes play a very important role in the Continue reading
Design and Development of Android based Attendance Management System (Computer Project)
Now a days, it is highly possible to adapt mobile computing in various applications. The portability, open source nature of smart phones and android development platform has made the development of application software for various Continue reading
Distributed University Registration Database System using Oracle 9i (Computer Project)
In database and information systems, increasing attention has been focused lately on parallel and distributed database systems. The future of large database systems lies into the realm of distributed computing. The main reason for this is that Continue reading