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Managing the Quality of Experience in the Multimedia Internet of Things: A Layered-based Approach (Electrical/Electronics Project)


This paper addresses the issue of evaluating the Quality of Experience (QoE) for Internet of Things (IoT) applications, with particular attention to the case where multimedia content is involved. A layered IoT architecture is firstly analyzed to understand Continue reading

Dominant Channel Occupancy for Wi-Fi Backscatter Uplink in Industrial Internet of Things (Electrical/Electronics Project)


This paper presents a dominant channel occupancy (DCO) mechanism for the Wi-Fi backscatter uplink in the industrial Internet of things (IIoT). The DCO provides high-priority channel access and reliable burst transmission to the Wi-Fi backscatter devices, Continue reading

Simulation and Control System of a Railroad Track Power Harvesting Device (Mechanical Project)

With the vastness of existing railroad infrastructure, there exist numerous road crossings which are lacking warning light systems and/or crossing gates due to their remoteness from existing electrical infrastructure. Along with lacking warning light systems, these areas also Continue reading

Governance of the Internet of Things—from Infancy to First Attempts of Implementation? (Electrical/Electronics Project)


In the course of the Internet’s growing importance within the last decade, the Internet of Things (IoT) has also been a subject of much debate. Being defined by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) as the development of item identifications, Continue reading